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Expressions of interest are invited from appropriately experienced and qualified contractors for the undertaking of improvement works to natural turf sports pitches at the Frampton Cotterell Parish Playing Fields, School Road, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol BS36 2DA The works will involve the installation of a land drainage system including SuDS attenuation, correction of surface tolerance inconsistencies, grading and levelling soil, seeding, husbandry and maintenance operations. In addition the Employer wishes to consider the provision of additional / ancillary works which will be included within the final tender documentation as ''Provisional Items''. PROVISIONAL PROJECT PERIOD: Date of Possession of the site: - On or before 20th July 2020. Date for Completion of the Works: 30th September 2020. Defects and Establishment Period: 12 months post Practical Completion 2021. Tenders will be dispatched in mid-June 2020 with a view to awarding the contract by the end of June 2020. Applicants will in the first instance, be required to complete a Pre- Tender Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ, attached below) covering financial, economic, technical, professional and environmental matters. Prospective applicants should note that the closing date for receipt of completed Pre-Tender Qualification Questionnaires is noon on 1st June 2020. Completed PQQ applications should be made by email to: DAISY FINNIEAR, Community Project and Research Officer. E-mail:


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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Frampton Cotterell Parish Council

Daisy Finniear

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