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Chemical Disinfection and Inspection of Water Systems at Keele University



1,000,000 GBP


Tenders are invited from interested parties for the Contract for Chemical Disinfection and Inspection of Water Systems at Keele University in accordance with the Tender Specification Documents in Section 2 of the Invitation to Tender (ITT). The Tender Specification Documents are listed in Section 2 of the ITT and are attached as separate documents. The services required are fully described in the Tender Specification Documents. All Tenderers are required to submit a compliant tender response in accordance with the tender requirements as set out in the Tender Specification Documents. All tender responses will be subject to the Tender Evaluation Methodology as set out in the ITT. Main reasons for the decision not to sub-divide the contract into lots: Given the need for one Service Provider to co-ordinate the delivery of all of the services required, the contract has not been subdivided into lots. The contract will run for a period of three years from 1st August 2025 to 31st July 2028 with options to extend for two further periods of one year each until 31st July 2030. The decision of whether to take up the extension options will be down to the absolute discretion of the University. The estimated total value of the contract over the 3+1+1 years contract period is £1 million excluding VAT. In order to assist Tenderers in preparing their tender submission, the University will be holding a collective site visit with all potential Tenderers on Wednesday 14th May 2025 to allow Tenderers to get an appreciation of the size and scale of the campus. It is a mandatory requirement that all Tenderers attend the site visit. Tenderers should note that the University is not in a position to offer any alternative dates. The site visit is not part of the scoring assessment and is offered to Tenderers by way of informing their Tender responses only. Award Criteria: Quality criterion - Name: Approach and Methodology for the delivery of the Contract for Chemical Disinfection and Inspection of Water Systems at Keele University / Weighting: 200 marks Quality criterion - Name: Relevant Experience, Expertise / Skill Sets and Qualifications of key named individuals assigned to performing the Contract for Chemical Disinfection and Inspection of Water Systems at Keele University / Weighting: 200 marks Quality criterion - Name: Risk Management / Weighting: 150 marks Quality criterion - Name: Legislation, Testing and Water Quality / Weighting: 150 marks Price - Weighting: 300 marks Additional information: The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: This Selection Questionnaire ('SQ') is issued with a draft Invitation to Tender ('ITT') document as part of this procurement procedure's suite of procurement documents for the Contract for Chemical Disinfection and Inspection of Water Systems at Keele University. Interested parties are required to complete the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and return this before the SQ deadline. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes


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Keele University

Darren Pearce

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