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Provision for Phased strip up and replacement of 36,000m2 of resin bonded Gold Top tarmac to Lee Valley owned areas on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - AWARD



Henderson & Taylor (Public Works) Limited


The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park was home to the 2012 London Olympic Games. The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority is now the proud owner of two of the venues based on the park: The Lee Valley VeloPark and The Lee Valley Hockey & Tennis Centre. LVRPA owns an area of land that currently has around 36,000m2 of resin bonded 'Gold Top' surfacing. Much of the resin bonded surface is now showing signs of deterioration and requires stripping up and replacing. The substrate is mainly concrete laid to falls and the areas generally drain into Acco drainage channels. There are some additional areas of resin bound surfaces, but these are fairly small in terms of square metreage. The resin bound areas are porous and generally drain through holes drilled through the substrate into the ground below. This project is for the phased replacement of the Gold Top areas on a priority basis. It is envisaged that the Authority will split the 36,000m2 into approx. 4500m2/annum over an 8 phase period (one phase per financial year). The contractor will be required to remeasure areas on completion and works will be paid on a square metre basis. The first phase of works will be scheduled to take place in March/April 2025 due to financial reasons but generally it is envisaged that the following phases will be carried out in May/June each year with the second phase being a 'follow on' to phase 1 in 2025. The contractor should price for each phase separately and in doing so allow a nominal uplift for inflation and material price increases.


Publish date

2 days ago

Award date

in 3 days

Buyer information

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority

Alex Thompson

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