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Specialist Homecare - Market Engagement Event



Specialist Homecare Market Engagement Event The Council intends to commission borough-wide seven-year (5+1+1) contracts for specialist homecare for adults and children's as well as onsite care provision at one of Lambeth's hostel settings. The adult's specialist homecare service will to cater to those clients with high level complex needs and will cater to the following client groups: • Severe learning disabilities • People with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, or profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) • People with disabilities and or autism who display challenge behaviour • Adults with physical or sensory impairment • Complex mental health need. Children's homecare will also be a part of the tender, this service is primarily intended to offer support to families of children with disabilities to manage care and support needs at home. Commissioned by the local authority, depending on the level and type of support needed, homecare service provision involves delivery of personal care and community outreach. The Vulnerable Adults Pathway (VAP) has care packages being delivered to individuals living in hostels and supported accommodation and the intention is to replace the various care packages with a support worker(s) at one of the settings with an option for visits to other settings as needs arise. This client group, which is made up of people who have a history of rough sleeping and homelessness, will often have complex support needs around substance use, physical health, mental health and /or offending where the presenting behaviours can sometimes be challenging. The Council's vision is to have an extensive Specialist Approved Provider List (SAPL) of both adult's and children's homecare providers that deliver care across the borough which will ensure high quality services, increased choice for the client and cost effectiveness in light of council wide budgetary pressures. The Council is seeking to use the market engagement event to articulate its aspiration for specialist home care services, and the benefits the Council aims to derive from this procurement. The market engagement event will take place on Wednesday 27 November 2024 from 2pm - 4pm and will be held online via Teams. The format of the event will be a presentation from the commissioners and procurement team followed by a Q&A session. Any providers interested in attending the event should confirm attendance to Pritesh Joshi at by Monday 25 November 2024, a subsequent Teams link will be sent to all providers who have confirmed interest in attendance. The resultant procurement will be advertised separately, this notice is to solely to advertise the Market Engagement Event.


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Lambeth

Mark Warren

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