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Non-Residential Construction



1,000,000,000 GBP


PfH are seeking to implement a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for non-residential building construction. The intent is that the DPS will support our members to deliver non-residential new and refurbished buildings including the use of traditional and modern Methods of construction. Further details are contained within the associated project documents, which will be available to download once an expression of interest has been lodged.This Framework may be used by any contracting authority listed in or referred to in the FTS Notice. This includes: All current members of PfH at the time of the FTS Lot 1: Full Turnkey Provision CAT 1 Modular Buildings Manufacturers of Modular buildings that can provide principal contractor services for the delivery of Non-Residnetial Budilings, this can be for the supply of permanent, Temporary or Hire buildings this can be provided across all areas of the UK, suppliers may offer buildings for use in some or all sectors including Educational, healthcare, Emergency services and general non-residential buildings. Lot 2: Full Turnkey provision CAT 2 Panelised Buildings Suppliers who manufacture structural panelised systems can provide principal contractor services. Suppliers can offer services for delivering Non-residential buildings including in the education, Healthcare and Emergency services sectors. Lot 3a: Full Turnkey Traditional construction including Categories 1-7 Provisional of Principal contractor services for the Delivery of construction projects of non-residential buildings including in the following sectors Education. Healthcare and Emergency Services Lot 3b: Refurbishment of existing Buildings Principal contractors services for the refurbishment of non- residential buildings


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4 months ago

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Procurement for Housing

Tony Woods

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