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Material Testing, Environmental Engineer Geo Tech - C4- KCSL



750,000 GBP


To ensure that concrete materials meet the design specifications and are compliant with applicable standards (e.g., BS EN 12350-2 for slump testing, BS EN 12390 for compressive strength testing).Sampling of fresh concrete for slump testing, air content, and temperature.Casting and curing concrete cubes/cylinders for compressive strength tests at 7,14, and 28 days. Conducting tensile strength and flexural strength tests as required. Mix design review to verify compliance with project specifications. Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, such as Schmidt hammer testing or ultrasonic pulse velocity, if required. Report generation with detailed results and compliance statements. Test reports for each batch of concrete. Certificates of compliance for concrete materials. Plate Bearing Tests, To determine the bearing capacity and compaction level of the subgrade for construction purposes (in accordance with BS 1377-9). Site preparation and marking of test locations as per site plan. Placement of the load plate (300 mm or 600 mm diameter depending on specification). Application of load increments via hydraulic jack and recording settlement values. Analysis of results to determine the modulus of subgrade reaction (k-value). Comparison with design requirements for bearing capacity. Field test logs and calibration certificates for test equipment. Analysis report including graphical plots of load vs. settlement. Recommendations for subgrade improvement if required. This package includes Environmental Engineer To monitor and ensure compliance with environmental regulations, minimising environmental impacts during construction. Geotechnical Engineer To assess soil and ground conditions to provide foundation and earthworks recommendations


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High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd

Clare Llewellyn

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