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Rehabilitation for Sight, Hearing and Dual Sensory Impairment.



204,472 GBP


This service is based alongside our Integrated social care and health teams and looks to provide specialist sensory impairment workers (1.5 FTE), in line with Social Services and Well Being Act (Wales) 2014, trained to an existing recognised qualification level, ensuring the council fulfils its statutory obligation in this area. Providing high-quality sensory impairment service to residents of Monmouthshire who have a sight, hearing, or dual sensory impairment. The service addresses the need to provide early diagnosis and intervention and ensures that where possible people are taught skills and strategies to minimize the impact of their sensory impairment and help them continue to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. Providing: -One and a half full time (1.5 WTE) sensory impairment specialists with an approximate case load of 18-20 people per month. -Advice, training, and development including providing sensory impairment training for professionals and carers throughout the year. -Preventative strategies that delay or mitigate the impact of potential sight, hearing, or dual sensory loss. -Aids and equipment; issuing key equipment to help maintain independence (this equipment is sometimes at a cost to the individual). Referrals are made into the service by professionals, individuals & families. Lot 1: This service is based alongside our Integrated social care and health teams and looks to provide specialist sensory impairment workers (1.5 FTE), in line with Social Services and Well Being Act (Wales) 2014, trained to an existing recognised qualification level, ensuring the council fulfils its statutory obligation in this area. Providing high-quality sensory impairment service to residents of Monmouthshire who have a sight, hearing, or dual sensory impairment. The service addresses the need to provide early diagnosis and intervention and ensures that where possible people are taught skills and strategies to minimize the impact of their sensory impairment and help them continue to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. Providing: -One and a half full time (1.5 WTE) sensory impairment specialists with an approximate case load of 18-20 people per month. -Advice, training, and development including providing sensory impairment training for professionals and carers throughout the year. -Preventative strategies that delay or mitigate the impact of potential sight, hearing, or dual sensory loss. -Aids and equipment; issuing key equipment to help maintain independence (this equipment is sometimes at a cost to the individual). Referrals are made into the service by professionals, individuals & families.


Publish date

6 months ago

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Monmouthshire County Council


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