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202324-016 Secure Patient Transport (TEWV)



Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust have a requirement for a Secure Patient Transport Service. The service will be a Trust wide service to provide 'hospital to hospital' transport, this will also incorporate Humber and North Yorkshires ICB service 'community to hospital' transport. The service is required to transfer service users from one facility to another for the purposes of relocation or to receive treatment in an inpatient setting. Lot 1: Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust have a requirement for a Secure Patient Transport Service. The service will be a Trust wide service to provide 'hospital to hospital' transport, this will also incorporate Humber and North Yorkshires ICB service 'community to hospital' transport. The service is required to transfer service users from one facility to another for the purposes of relocation or to receive treatment in an inpatient setting. The service must be available at any time of day or night, including weekends, bank holidays etc. 24/7 365 days a year. The Procurement process is a competitive one stage process under the Provider Selection Regime. The contract is for a period of 36 months (plus 2x1year extension) with a contract value of approximately £1.4 million over a period of 3 years. The estimated start date is 1st January 2025 with a mobilisation period from the contract award date of 1st November 2024. The successful provider must meet all Care Quality Commission (CQC) national standards and must be registered with the Care Quality Commission. The types of vehicles required for this contract are: Secure Car (including People Carrier), Medium sized minibus and Secure Ambulance. Tenders will be submitted electronically via the Cardea Portal. Please see Tender documents for more information via Cardea Portal: For the expressions of interest, please click the following link EOI (expression of Interest) closes on 23rd August at 12 Noon. Tender closes on 2nd September 2024 at 12 Noon.


Publish date

7 months ago

Close date

6 months ago

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Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust

Julie Fretter

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