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Soft Market Test - Domestic Abuse Community Support Service



14,682,920 GBP


Cornwall Council is conducting a soft market test to gain feedback about the proposed changes to commissioned Domestic Abuse Community Support Service in the upcoming re-procurement process. It is intended that the survey responses supplied will enable the Council to decide its service model for the future procurement of Domestic Abuse Community Support service. This exercise implies no commercial commitment and is not a formal tender document. Participation in this soft market assessment will not prejudice suppliers participating in any future procurement. If you are interested in this area of service provision and also helping with our assessment of the market, please complete the "Information Required" section at the end of the document, along with any additional information you consider to be relevant and return this via our procurement portal (Proactis) messaging system by 17:00 on 8th November 2024 at - search for project no. DN700460, Domestic Abuse Community Support Service. The maximum opportunity of this contract is expected to be a period of 10 years. Comprising of an initial 5 year contract term, which may be followed by up to two optional extension clauses, the first of which is 3 years and then a further for 2 years providing the maximum opportunity of 10 years. Additional information: Please visit our procurement portal Proactis at Search for Project No. DN700460, Domestic Abuse Community Support Service and express an interest in order to download the soft market test document.


Publish date

5 months ago

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Cornwall Council


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