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Whole Life Carbon : Web-based Digital Platform for submission and review of whole life carbon assessments



510,000 GBP


Provision of Web-based, digital platform to streamline the process of: submission and reviewing of whole life carbon assessments within the Town Planning department of Westminster City Council Lot 1: Westminster City Council (WCC) intends to exercise its right through the use of Public Contracts Regulation PCR (2015) Regulation (40) prior market engagement by conducting a Soft Market Testing exercise for the provision of a web-based, digital platform to streamline the process of submission and reviewing of whole life carbon assessments within the Town Planning department of Westminster City Council. Contracting authorities may conduct market consultations with a view to preparing the procurement and informing economic operators of the contracting authority procurement plans and requirements. For this purpose, WCC will seek or accept advice from independent experts or authorities or from market participants. Such advice may be used in the planning and conduct of any potential future procurement procedure, provided that it does not have the effect of distorting competition and does not result in a violation of the principles of non-discrimination and transparency. Need & Requirement : Web-based, digital platform for applicants to submit Whole Life Carbon Assessments (WLCAs) in a standardised, streamlined process The platform must have the capability to check compliance with the requirements of the RICS ‘Whole Life Carbon Assessment (WLCA) for the built environment’ 2nd Edition The platform must have the capability to check compliance with all relevant policy, including the GLA London Plan and WCC City Plan, both current and emerging (Retrofit First) Policy requirements. Capability to critically review key material quantities and carbon emissions against expected values. This must use a generative design model to develop an expected material schedule and carbon model, rather than a reliance on historical data and benchmarks. Enable a semi-automated review process, providing all Officers with the tools required to check and review WLCAs. Built-in functionality for commenting and responses between the Council and the Applicant Ability to present WLCA information in a concise and simple dashboard, which shall include comparisons against industry benchmarks and policy targets Provide free access to all users, and store personal information in line with the Council’s data protection requirements. Provide a minimum of 50 Case officer accounts and 100 Applicant accounts. These must be confidential, secure accounts enabling applicants and case officers to confidentially upload, share, access, and review data (e.g. Project details, Building material details, WLCAs, reports, commentary). The platform must have accompanying training available free of charge to all users. A User Manual must also be also be provided. Platform have the capacity to align with Westminster City Council planning and submission processes, allowing for smooth transition and embedment across all teams. Platform allows for all capabilities to be deliverable within the same provider without the need for outsourcing the development. Allow full functionality and live use of a working platform. This requirement is to support the delivery of WCC proposed Policy 43 Retrofit First, as well as the Climate Emergency Action Plan, and the overarching aims of Fairer Environment and Fairer Westminster. To achieve this a digital innovation is required, which will streamline the process of WLCAs submissions and review. Additional information: Westminster City Council have collaborated with Preoptima Limited in successfully being awarded funding via Innovate UK. External links noted below for further information:


Publish date

a month ago

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Westminster City Council

Simon Wilmott

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