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Nuclear Diving Capability



18,000,000 GBP


Provision of a Nuclear Diving Capability to support High Hazard and Risk Reduction (HHRR) within Legacy Ponds Operating Unit (LPOU), which consists of the Pile Fuel Storage Pond (PFSP) with the potential of subsequent works within First Generation Storage Pond (FGMSP). It is also noted that this service has the potential to secure further diving support across the Sellafield Site. Lot 1: To provide the capability, as part of an integrated team, to deploy divers into a nuclear environment where they will support the retrieval of waste and the subsequent remediation of the facility, A Nuclear Diving Capability will support: As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) methodology, help de-risk key milestones, and have the potential to significantly accelerate clearance and de-sludging activities within the facilities.<br/><br/>Nuclear Diving Capability will include but may not be limited to: providing technical support in developing the safety case and diving scope, manufacturing specific tooling, undertaking trial dives in simulated ponds, and mobilising dive teams on-plant where diving activities will include managing sludge and trialling a range of clean-up activities. <br/><br/>It is envisaged the Diving Capabilities will have the ability to deliver the following capabilities:<br/>1. Safety Case development and permissions <br/>2. Trialling and Tooling<br/>3. Radiological Surveys (Underwater)<br/>4. Mobilisation and Demobilisation activities to support diving operations<br/>5 Diving Resource Capability and Capacity


Publish date

4 months ago

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3 months ago

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Sellafield Ltd

Allison J Booth

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