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Concessionary Contract For The Management of Tennis Courts, And Promotion Of Tennis Within Dudley Parks



Dudley Council is working in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to Encourage residents to either start or play more tennis. The Council is looking to appoint an experienced, professional Concessionaire of local tennis operator services to operate and manage the tennis provision and promote the service across the six sites including introduction sessions, engagement programmes and coaching services for the future delivery. Also including the day-to-day management of the tennis courts and online booking system, which are all part of our funding outcomes for the grant. This project is spit into two lots, due to areas. Suppliers are welcome to bid one or both lots as they see fit. Lot One: Hunting Tree Park, Halesowen, B63 4HY King George V, Wordsley,DY8 5BS Stevens Park, Wollescote, DY9 7JG Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge, DY8 2AD Lot Two: Priory Park- Central Dudley,DY1 4EU Silver Jubilee, Coseley,WV14 9SZ Additional information: Funding Description This procurement process is in collaboration with Lawn Tennis Association who provided funding, for the works/refurbishment for the tennis courts, a condition of funding was that we employ an operator to manage the courts and increase interest. The all works have been completed. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


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Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

Carole Plant

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