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Strule Shared Education Campus Main Works Contract



Woodvale Lowry JV, Woodvale Lowry JV - Lowry


237,865,074.84 GBP


The Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC) Programme is a longstanding Executive priority with continued broad political support. It is a hugely significant programme, representing massive capital investment in the west of Northern Ireland (NI), stimulating further development and regeneration of the region. The SSEC programme will bring together 6 schools and over 4000 children and young people, from all backgrounds who will learn together on a vibrant and dynamic campus. As a pioneering project it will transform education in NI. Significant work on the Strule Programme has been completed to date, including delivery of 1 of the 6 schools. The SSEC Main Works Competition (MWC) will include the delivery of the remaining five post primary school buildings and associated facilities which equate to approximately 64,000m² of building accommodation, in addition to synthetic pitches, infrastructure, environmental protection, landscaping and general site development works. Lot 1: To deliver the works as envisaged in Section II.1.4 a competitive tender using the Open Procedure commenced on 13th December 2021. Only one tender was submitted which was deemed to be unacceptable resulting in the Department undertaking a Competitive Procedure with Negotiation (CPN) in accordance with the PCR Regulations 26(4)(b). Further detail on this process is included in Section II.2.11.


Award date

8 months ago

Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Department of Education

FAO CPD Procurement operations Branch

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