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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Victim Support Services



Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner are looking to commission a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Victim Support Service that will provide dedicated emotional and practical support for victims to help them cope and, as far as possible recover from the effects of crime. The Service is for adult victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking who live in Avon and Somerset. The Service should operate across the entire Avon and Somerset footprint and be a tailored, specialist resource for adult victims of MSHT. The Contractor will provide flexible service offer which makes use of a tiered menu of support options to build a care and support plan to meet the victim’s individual needs. The Contractor will provide ongoing support through support plans which will include help with the ongoing practical and emotional needs of the victim to enable them to both cope and recover. Lot 1: Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner are looking to commission a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Victim Support Service that will provide dedicated emotional and practical support for victims to help them cope and, as far as possible recover from the effects of crime. The Service is for adult victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking who live in Avon and Somerset. Children of victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking will be referred and signposted to the relevant child referral pathway. The Service should operate across the entire Avon and Somerset footprint and proactively seek to ensure equitable access to support, and be a tailored, specialist resource for adult victims of MSHT. The Service will enable the OPCC to comply with the necessary requirements and conditions of the Ministry of Justice’s victim grant. The Service will deliver the following core functions: A. Community engagement and outreach (Pre NRM) B. Stakeholder engagement C. Referral, assessment, and allocation process D. Provision of support (alongside and after NRM) The Contractor will need to have knowledge of the National Referral Mechanism and make referrals to other specialist pathways as appropriate, to avoid duplication of provision. The Contractor will provide flexible service offer which makes use of a tiered menu of support options to build a care and support plan to meet the victim’s individual needs which may contain but is not limited to: a) Telephone support b) Face-to-face support c) Online Support d) Peer Support e) Group support f) Self Help/Serve resources g) Family support or advice (where this meets the needs identified for the service user) h) Any other mechanisms to provide support that meets the needs of the client group. The Contractor will provide ongoing support through support plans which will include help with the ongoing practical and emotional needs of the victim to enable them to both cope and recover.


Publish date

3 months ago

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2 months ago

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Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset

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