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Donegal County Council tender for demolition of existing wastewater pump station and associated tanks and construction of new Irish Water spec pump station at Woodlands, Ballyshannon



The works in this Contract include the following: Design, supply and install new pump station in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW CDS 5030 03 including all civil works, wastewater pumping station proposal in Appendix 3 of the tender pack. Max. depth to deepest chamber from ground level is 6m plus or minus 0.5m; Construct 150mm deep concrete apron with brushed finish over new pump station footprint, approximate area 130m2; Construct 2.4m high green wire mesh fencing including 2 no. 2m wide gates to perimeter of new pump station footprint; Temporarily, for the duration of the pump station construction phase, and then permanently, divert approximately 50m of existing 100mm watermain around the new pump station; Construction of approximately 220m of 110mm OD rising main within the estate and connect same to an existing pipeline laid by UE regional contractor; Construct approximately 36m of 150 and 225mm gravity sewer, including 4 no. 1.2m diameter manholes, max depth to invert 1.5m; Provide and install 25mm OD watermain pipe from new pump station to permanently diverted watermain, approx. length 10m; Construct 4m gravel covered access track with incorporated weed barrier from existing site entrance to new pump station, approx. length 70m. 6m wide turning head also required; Upgrade access to existing site by lowering approx. 8m of existing kerbing and replacing approx. 16m2 of existing bituminous footpath; Decommission and backfill existing pump station and associated concrete storage tanks and level affected area. Site to be finished with topsoil and grass seeded.


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Donegal County Council_1193

Donegal County Council_1193

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