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T1655 - Tender for the Provision of a Document Storage and Retrieval Service



Iron Mountain (UK) PLC


1,500,000 GBP


The Housing Executive requires safe and secure offsite storage facilities for various types of Records in various formats e.g. reports, letters, case assessments, memos, messages, statistical forms, media storage. Records may be presented in boxes, files or in rolls. Records must be stored in a box at the Contractors facility. All storage of records is to be supported with a collection and delivery service, as well as possible destruction of identified records and the potential purchase of consumables. Please see the Tender Documentation for full details on this requirement. Lot 1: The Housing Executive requires safe and secure offsite storage facilities for various types of Records in various formats e.g. reports, letters, case assessments, memos, messages, statistical forms, media storage. Records may be presented in boxes, files or in rolls. Records must be stored in a box at the Contractors facility. All storage of records is to be supported with a collection and delivery service, as well as possible destruction of identified records and the potential purchase of consumables. Please see the Tender Documentation for full details on this requirement. Additional information: The Contract will commence on the 1st February 2025 and last until midnight on the 31st January 2029. The Housing Executive has the option, entirely at our discretion, to extend the Contract for a further periods of up to and including 96 months, or part thereof.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Northern Ireland Housing Executive

James McErlean

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