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Urban Pulse


8,200,000 GBP


In order to fulfil its development programme, the Contracting Authority is seeking to appoint developers to provide land for the development of social housing. The Contracting Authority seeks land in the following area: NIHE Area Westbank, Derry/Londonderry (in the area identified in the map attached at Annex 2) In the interests of providing an efficient housing management service, the Contracting Authority will not consider Sites which provide less than 10 units or more than 100 units. The units can be delivered over a number of Sites or on one Site. However, the Contracting Authority will not consider any one Site that provides less than 10 units. The Contract(s) is (are) for the provision of land for design and build contracts in Northern Ireland. Economic Operators must provide the land, design, construct and ensure completion of the scheme for the Contracting Authority in accordance with the Department for Communities Housing Association Guide, the Contracting Authority’s requirements and statutory body requirements Lot 1: In order to fulfil its development programme, the Contracting Authority is seeking to appoint developers to provide land for the development of social housing. The Contracting Authority seeks land in the following area: NIHE Area Westbank, Derry/Londonderry (in the area identified in the map attached at Annex 2) In the interests of providing an efficient housing management service, the Contracting Authority will not consider Sites which provide less than 10 units or more than 100 units. The units can be delivered over a number of Sites or on one Site. However, the Contracting Authority will not consider any one Site that provides less than 10 units. The Contract(s) is (are) for the provision of land for design and build contracts in Northern Ireland. Economic Operators must provide the land, design, construct and ensure completion of the scheme for the Contracting Authority in accordance with the Department for Communities Housing Association Guide, the Contracting Authority’s requirements and statutory body requirements. Additional information: The Contracting Authority advertised this procurement process for a design and build works contract on eTendersNI in February 2021.The advertised estimated value of the contract was £4.5m which was below the threshold that applied at that time, therefore a contract notice was not published for this opportunity. The Contracting Authority received one response at PQQ stage which was successfully pre-qualified for the tender stage of the procurement. The Contracting Authority progressed with the tender stage and negotiations - Although advertised as restricted, the tender documentation expressly stated that the procurement route would be competitive with negotiation Regulation 29. This cannot be amended for the contract award notice as the information is pre-populated from tender stage. The ultimate value of the contract awarded is £8.2m. The Contracting Authority has published a VEAT notice to inform the market or the procedure used and that they are now awarding a contract for which a contract notice was not published due to the estimated value falling below the threshold and are publishing this "relevant contract award notice" in line with Regulation 93 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as amended.


Publish date

4 months ago

Award date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Woven Housing Association Ltd

Amanda Culbert

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