CP2392-23 Adoption Support Fund Services (FPS)
The Adoption Support Fund (ASF) Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) will have rolling entry-points for Adoption Support Services including Therapeutic Support. This includes services that are both in scope and out of scope of the ASF. It involves a two-stage process; the first stage is concerned with setting up the FPS. Under this stage Bidders are invited to apply for inclusion on the FPS and those who meet the selection criteria detailed in this Invitation to Tender (ITT) and who are not excluded will be shortlisted. Bidders can apply to join the FPS at any point during its lifetime. Following promotion to the FPS the Authority will invite admitted participants (hereafter referred to as Suppliers) within the relevant Lots and Zones on the FPS to bid for specific Adoption Support Services Contracts. This is stage two of the process which is more commonly referred to as a mini-competition or a call-off. This FPS shall be for the provision of Adoption Support Services and shall run for a period of four years (1st December 2023 - 30th November 2027). Bidders (new and previously unsuccessful) are able to apply to join the FPS anytime between 1st December 2023 - 30th November 2027. Lot 1: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the role of distressing memories in some mental health disorders, particularly posttraumatic stress disorder. It is an evidence-based therapy used to help with the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Lot 2: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) Dyadic developmental psychotherapy is a psychotherapeutic treatment method for families that have children with symptoms of emotional disorders, including complex trauma and disorders of attachment. Lot 3: Attachment Psychotherapy Attachment psychotherapy combines the epidemiological categories of attachment theory (including the identification of the attachment styles such as secure, anxious, ambivalent and disorganized/disoriented) with an analysis and understanding of how dysfunctional attachments get represented in the human inner world and subsequently re-enacted in adult life. Lot 4: Solution Focused brief therapy Solution focused brief therapy is a goal-directed collaborative approach to psychotherapeutic change that is conducted through direct observation of clients' responses to a series of precisely constructed questions. Lot 5: Sensory Integration Processing Therapy / Therapeutic Listening Programme Sensory integration is a subconscious and automatic neurological process that occurs in every person at all stages of life. Children can present with different types of sensory integration difficulties (also known as sensory processing difficulties). These include: · Hyper (over) sensitive · Hypo (under) sensitive · Motor Planning (praxis) · Poor posture https://www.sensoryintegration.org.uk Lot 6: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for the child Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a psychosocial intervention that is the most widely used evidence-based practice for treating mental illness. Guided by empirical research, CBT focuses on the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems and changing unhelpful patterns in cognitions (e.g. thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes), behaviour’s, and emotional regulation. Lot 7: Brain Mapping A process for creating brain maps of children who have experienced chronic or complex trauma. The maps can identify specific areas of the brain that have not been adequately nurtured and, in fact, may have been wounded. Lot 8: Child Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary therapy that uses hypnosis, which is an altered state of consciousness. Hypnosis is widely promoted as a treatment for various long-term conditions and for breaking certain habits. Lot 9: Systemic Family Therapy In psychotherapy, systemic therapy seeks to address people not only on the individual level, as had been the focus of earlier forms of therapy, but also as people in relationships, dealing with the interactions of groups and their interactional patterns and dynamics. Lot 10: Video Interaction Guidance Video Interaction Guidance is an intervention through which a practitioner aims to enhance communication within relationships. It works by engaging clients actively in a process of change towards realizing their own hopes for a better future in their relationships with others who are important to them. Guiders are themselves guided by the values and beliefs around respect and empowerment. These include a belief that people in troubled situations do want to change, a respect for what clients are managing to achieve in their current difficulties, and a conviction that the power and responsibility for change resides within clients and their situations. It is most typically used for interactions between children of any age and adults, either parents or professionals, although it can also be used within pairs (or even groups) of adults. Lot 11: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is an approach to psychotherapy that was originally created as a relapse-prevention treatment for depression. Research indicates that it may be particularly effective for individuals with major depressive disorder. The focus on major depressive disorder and cognitive processes is what distinguishes MBCT from other mindfulness-based therapies such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which is applicable to a broad range of disorders, and mindfulness-based relapse prevention which is used to treat addiction Lot 12: Multisystemic Family Therapy Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is an intensive family and community based intervention for children and young people aged 11-17, where young people are at risk of out of home placement in either care or custody and families have not engaged with other services. Lot 13: Dialectical therapy (branch of CBT) Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a therapy designed to help people suffering from mood disorders as well as those who need to change patterns of behaviour that are not helpful, such as self-harm, suicidal ideation, and substance abuse. This approach works towards helping people increase their emotional and cognitive regulation by learning about the triggers that lead to reactive states and helping to assess which coping skills to apply in the sequence of events, thoughts, feelings, and behaviour’s to help avoid undesired reactions. DBT assumes that people are doing their best but lack the skills needed to succeed, or are influenced by positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement that interferes with their ability to function appropriately Lot 14: Reducing Anxiety Management Plan (RAMP) This is an approach of stress reduction management Lot 15: Yoga Course Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Lot 16: Educational Psychotherapy Educational psychotherapy is a highly effective way of supporting children and young people with emotional barriers to learning and social development. Therapeutic teaching methods, incorporated into everyday teaching, can help support children to overcome emotional barriers to learning. Lot 17: Specialist assessments, e.g., multi-disciplinary assessments Specialist assessments (multi-disciplinary assessments) which explore emotional, behavioural or psychological effects on young people's development. *Please note this is NOT applicable for sole traders* Lot 18: Foetal Alcohol Syndrome assessment Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders are a group of birth defects that can happen when an individual drinks alcohol during pregnancy. Foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the most severe type of the disorder. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome assessment is in scope if part of a more comprehensive assessment Lot 19: Play therapy Play therapy is generally employed with children aged 3 through 11 and provides a way for them to express their experiences and feelings through a natural, self-guided, self-healing process. As children’s experiences and knowledge are often communicated through play, it becomes an important vehicle for them to know and accept themselves and others. This approach is common to young children. Lot 20: Art Therapy Art therapy (also known as arts therapy) is a creative method of expression used as a therapeutic technique. Art therapy originated in the fields of art and psychotherapy and may vary in definition. Art therapy may focus on the creative art-making process itself, as therapy, or on the analysis of expression gained through an exchange of patient and therapist interaction. Lot 21: Music Therapy Music therapy is a treatment modality used in Naturopathy Medicine, the use of interventions to accomplish individual goals within a therapeutic relationship by a professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. Music therapy is an Integrative Medicine Practice in Naturopathy System of Healthcare and one of the expressive therapies, consisting of a process in which a music therapist uses music and all of its facets—physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual—to help clients improve their physical and mental health. Lot 22: Drama Therapy Drama therapy is the use of theatre techniques to facilitate personal growth and promote mental health. Drama therapy, as a form of 'expressive therapy' (also known as creative arts therapies') exists in many forms and can be applicable to individuals, couples, families, and various groups Lot 23: Theraplay Theraplay is a child and family therapy that has as its goal enhancing and building attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement. The principles underlying Theraplay are that, in healthy relationships, there should be natural patterns of playful, healthy interaction between parent and child. The goal of Theraplay would be a changed view of the self as worthy and lovable and of relationships as positive and rewarding. It is one type of play therapy that can be used with children. Lot 24: Lego therapy Lego®-based therapy, a form of play therapy, is a social development programme for young people with autism spectrum disorders or related social communication difficulties. Young people work together to build Lego® models and through this have the opportunity to develop social skills such as turn taking, collaboration and social communication. Lego®-based therapy can be used individually or in groups. Natural opportunities for developing social competence are facilitated by the therapist. Lot 25: Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) or Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) Dance movement therapy (DMT) or Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) in the UK is the psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance to support intellectual, emotional, and motor functions of the body. As a form of expressive therapy, DMT looks at the correlation between movement and emotion. A typical DMT session has four main stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, and evaluation. ADMP works with the other Arts Psychotherapies (Art Therapy, Dramatherapy, Music Therapy) Lot 26: Marschak Interaction Method (MIM) (common theraplay) The Marschak Interaction Method (MIM) is a technique for the observation of adult and child as they perform a series of structured tasks together. The MIM has been found useful not only in the clinical evaluation of birth parent-child relationships but also in assessing the appropriateness of placement with foster or adoptive parents. Lot 27: Therapeutic Parenting Therapeutic Parenting is the term used to describe the type of high structure/high nurture intentional parenting that fosters the feelings of safety and connectedness so that a traumatized child can begin to heal and attach. Lot 28: Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) Non Violent Resistance (NVR) is a psychological approach for overcoming destructive, aggressive, controlling and risk-taking behaviour. It was originally developed to address serious behaviour problems in young people, although it is now also being utilised in many different areas, such as adult entitled dependence, anxiety-related problems, problems linked to paediatric illness, internet dependency and misuse, and domestic violence perpetrated by adults. Lot 29: Filial therapy Filial therapy is a type of psychotherapy designed to treat emotional and behavioural difficulties in children. It is based on the principles of play therapy; however, it is distinct from it, in that it teaches parents (or other paraprofessionals) how to provide therapeutic interventions for children. With respect to older children, filial therapy uses techniques that are adapted to age-appropriate interests and activities. Lot 30: Speech and Language Therapy Assessments The term ‘speech and language difficulties’ encompasses a wide range of issues that relate to all aspects of communication in children and young people. These can include difficulties with fluency, forming sounds and words, formulating sentences, understanding what others say, and using language in social situations. Lot 31: Educational assessments The identification of reading needs, access arrangements, motor skills and speech and language difficulties is a prevalent factor in schools in the current climate. Lot 32: IQ Testing Cognitive Assessments may include a variety of formal assessments of a child or young person’s abilities and skills. Assessments may cover a wide range of areas that might (for example) include an assessment of a child’s IQ or level of intelligence, perceptual abilities, verbal and non-verbal skills, attention and processing or memory abilities. Lot 33: Autism assessment Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder. See your GP or health visitor if your child is showing symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or you're worried about their development. If appropriate, your GP can refer you to a healthcare professional or team who specialise in diagnosing ASD, or someone who has access to such a team. Lot 34: Behavioural Optometry Vision and the motor visual system are our primary source for gathering information with 87% of learning occurring through the visual system. Even subtle issues with the visual system can have a major impact on our efficiency and performance, even more so for children where these systems are still developing. Children are usually born with the necessary hardware to allow the development of normal sensory skills, but it takes a busy childhood of play, exploration and experience to develop and train the software that controls what we take in from the world. If this software is not established properly, it can result in problems with the visual system and therefore learning. If undetected these problems can continue into adulthood. Behavioural Optometrists will explore these processes and use a range of treatments to help their patients learn and function more efficiently. This can be applicable to any age group‚ not just to children, and can also be of direct benefit to those following accidents and with possible traumatic brain injury. Lot 35: Counselling Counselling aims to help you deal with and overcome issues that are causing emotional pain or making you feel uncomfortable. It can provide a safe and regular space for you to talk and explore difficult feelings. The counsellor is there to support you and respect your views. They won't usually give advice, but will help you find your own insights into and understanding of your problems. Lot 36: Cranial sacral therapy Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a form of bodywork or alternative therapy using gentle touch to manipulate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. A practitioner of cranial-sacral therapy may also apply light touches to a patient's spine and pelvis. Lot 37: Davis facilitator All licensed Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitators and Specialists offer a basic program which incorporates Davis Orientation Counselling™ and Davis Symbol Mastery™, and typically includes 30 hours of one-on-one work over a five-day period. Lot 38: Equine and animal therapy The use of animals within therapy can be traced back thousands of years. Their ability to read human emotion and their inherent honesty is perhaps why we look to them so often in times of distress. While a range of animals are well known for being therapeutic, horses are becoming particularly well known for their ability to foster change. Lot 39: Occupational therapy Occupational therapy provides support to people whose health prevents them doing the activities that matter to them. An occupational therapist can identify strengths and difficulties you may have in everyday life, such as dressing or getting to the shops, and will help you work out practical solutions. They can work with you to identify goals that can help you maintain, regain, or improve your independence by using different techniques, changing your environment. Lot 40: Therapeutic Life Story Work Therapeutic Life Story Work (TLSW) is usually carried out on Adopted children to help them understand their history, and how this has shaped their present, and work on it to improve their future. This therapeutic process will: · Help a young person make sense of their past and understand how it effects and impacts them at present · Help them to make positive change for the future · Help them to build relationships. This approach has three main stages, The Information Bank, The Internalisation, and the Life Story Book. Lot 41: Psychotherapy Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. Psychotherapy can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person can function better and can increase well-being and healing. Lot 42: Therapeutic Assessment (Specialist Assessment) Brief assessment to be completed by a Clinical Psychologist (but may liaise with other professionals) to assess what therapy or further assessment is needed for the child to progress with their development trauma recovery.
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Devon County Council
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- Miss Grace Evans
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- grace.evans@devon.gov.uk
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