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PP-10114 Hornchurch Academy Trust Waste Management



600,000 GBP


This requirement is for a new single supplier framework agreement for waste management services which is expected to be used primarily by education establishments listed in Attachment 1 Brokerage Subscribers 2024 (subject to change). Over the life of the framework agreement, it is envisaged that additional schools in Havering and other neighbouring Local Authorities may subscribe to the Brokerage Service and therefore access the Waste Management Services and other frameworks on offer. This requirement is for the renewal of a single-supplier framework agreement for General Waste, Food Collections and Recycling Services for education providers. Lot 1: Havering Education Services (HES) established a Brokerage Service in 2013 as a dedicated collaborative procurement and contracts support service for schools and settings. The Service enables schools to access a wide range of competitive single and multi-supplier procurement frameworks for goods and services that have been selected through a compliant procurement route, and who demonstrably deliver value for money and high-quality products and services to schools and settings. The Brokerage Service has over the years developed into a highly valued and award winning schools led local and regional collaborative model with a cumulative total transaction value to date of circa £10m. Starting in 2022, under a partnership model, Hornchurch Academy Trust, a Multi Academy Trust based in Havering became the ‘Contracting Authority’ under which umbrella the HES brokerage frameworks are managed, and procurement activities conducted.This requirement is for a new single supplier framework agreement for waste management services which is expected to be used primarily by education establishments listed in Attachment 1 Brokerage Subscribers 2024 (subject to change). Over the life of the framework agreement, it is envisaged that additional schools in Havering and other neighbouring Local Authorities may subscribe to the Brokerage Service and therefore access the Waste Management Services and other frameworks on offer. An updated Attachment 1 may be provided at ITT stage.The Framework Agreement period will be for 3 years initially with the option to extend for an additional one-year extension. Supplier’s that are appointed to the framework agreement, will be required to pay a rebate for each contract they are awarded following the mini-competition process. The rebate will be 2.5% (excluding VAT) of the total value of the contract that is awarded.The SpecificationThis requirement is for the renewal of a single-supplier framework agreement for General Waste, Food Collections and Recycling Services for education providers.The Authority is looking for a Supplier who can support schools and educational settings to achieve an optimal business waste management solution. A waste audit shall be offered to schools to help them recognise their requirements. Results may entail combining general waste collection with additional separate recycling services to help them achieve environmental targets and goals along with the principle of value for money in mind.The Successful Supplier will provide the following services:- General Waste collections- Dry Mixed Recycling collections- Food Waste recycling collections


Publish date

7 months ago

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6 months ago

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London Borough of Havering

Irene Celis

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