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Lord Williams's School - Catering Services



Harrison Catering Services Ltd


5,380,119 GBP


Lord Williams's School is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily catering service.The services at the school are currently are outsourced.The Contractor will be responsible for the provision of a full school food catering service for the pupils and staff at the school This will consist of morning breaks, a full lunch service and a sixth form cafe for the school day :The school is split over two sites; the lower school for years 7-9, located in Towersey Road and the upper school for years 10-13, located in Oxford Road. Across the school, there are currently 2228 pupils on roll for the academic year 2022/23. Of this figure, 213 pupils are entitled to Free School Meals. TUPE is expected to apply, details of which can be found in the tender documentation. Lot 1: Lord Williams's School is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily catering service.The Contractor will be responsible for the provision of a full school food catering service for the pupils and staff at the school. This will consist of morning break and a full lunch service for each school day. The catering facilities at the lower school include two service outlets; the main dining hall and internal "pod". The upper school includes the main dining hall, sixth form café and a café serving the west side of the school.There are currently 2228 pupils on roll for the academic year 2022/23. Of this figure, 213 pupils are entitled to free school meals. TUPE is expected to apply, details of which can be found in the tender documentation.The school is keen to further increase uptake and continue the good work already in place for catering. It wishes to do so by working closely with the successful Contractor in developing and continuously improving the service and partnership during the period of the contract and by introducing innovative and creative ideas as submitted in the tender process and on-going.The school is aware that there are always opportunities to improve and modernise. They are interested in ensuring that the caterers provide the best possible service, introducing new menus ideas and initiatives so that pupils are all eating and utilising the service regularly. Additional information: The duration detailed above includes the initial term of three years as well as the two optional contract extension periods of 12 months each.


Award date

a year ago

Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Lord Williams's School

Ben Jones

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