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Calvay HA Gas Maintenance 2025



City Technical Services (UK) Ltd


123,141 GBP


The work and services to be undertaken (hereinafter referred to as the Works) comprises the provision of a term maintenance contract for an all-inclusive comprehensive annual inspection, servicing & maintenance contract [with provisional associated replacement works, including boilers, CH systems, all-electric properties, detectors and associated works] to approximately 861 domestic [flats/ houses] and 2 boilers [in offices] gas central heating installations covering all parts, labour and certification to maintain fully functioning gas fired hot water & heating systems as categorised under the Right to Repair Statutory Scheme in the Employer’s tenanted flats/ houses (which quantity may vary from time to time) in Barlanark, Glasgow G33 as detailed in Schedule 1 which is the Contract Area. The services also include [refer reporting format at Schedule 12]: Gas/ safety checks to properties with gas meters and no gas meter; ‘all electric’ properties; and Inspections/ servicing and recording in all flats and offices. Lot 1: The tender documents comprise (1) the SPD document [minimum selection standards] which is accessible via the SPD Module in the PCS Contract Notice; (2) the Specification of Works [contract & tender pricing document]; and (3) your Contractor Design Proposals [CDP]. The tender evaluation will comprise: the SPD pass/ fail, your quality score for your Contractor Design Proposals [CDP]; and the Contract Sum stated on the Form of Tender. The submitted SPD will assess the selection criteria as a pass or fail to identify contractors who pass by meeting the specified criteria. Only those contractors who achieve an SPD pass will have their tender quality and cost considered/ evaluated. The criteria for scoring will be to reach a total percentage score as follows: Price (tender)- deducting 1% from 100 for every percentage point each tender is in excess of the lowest tender, prior to weighting. Quality- Contractor Design Proposals [CDP] scoring will be maximum 100 marks, submissions ranked in relation to the other candidates based on the Employer’s stated aspirations/ requirements and the information provided by the candidate(s). The Contractor Design Proposal [CDP] scores will be converted to a percentage, prior to weighting. The highest scoring candidate may be recommended for acceptance as the preferred contractor.


Publish date

6 days ago

Award date

6 days ago

Buyer information

Calvay Housing Association


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