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Network Rail Western & Wales Regional CP7 Period Telecoms Renewals Framework





42,040,199 GBP


Network Rail's Control Period 7 (CP7) Framework for the Telecoms Renewals Work-bank for the Wales & Western Region, consisting of • Capital Delivery o SISS. o Operational Coms (Ops Coms) and o Station Information and Security Systems Framework (SISS) and as an Option for - NR minor stations (operated by Great Western Railway) - CP8 Years 1 - 3 Lot 1: The Wales & Western Region consists of 2,700 miles of railway serving Wales, the Thames Valley, West of England and the South West Peninsula. It transports commuters to key employment hubs including London, Cardiff, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. It directly serves London Heathrow, Europe's busiest international airport and provides connections to Cardiff Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, and London Gatwick airports. It Supports leisure and tourism in all these areas and supports critical freight services, notably aggregates, moving millions of tonnes of freight every year. The Contract is to deliver our Control Period 7 (CP7) Framework for the Telecoms Renewals Work Bank for the Wales & Western Region, consisting of • Capital Delivery o SISS o Operational Coms (Ops Coms) and o Station Information and Security Systems Framework (SISS) with Options for • NR minor stations (operated by Great Western Railway) • CP8 Years 1 - 3. The framework creates strong relationships with asset-specific supplier partners, incentivised to design and deliver work bank packages to embrace SPEED (Swift, Pragmatic and Efficient Enhancement Delivery) principles, meet industry benchmarks, and to achieve the required business score card results. We will be seeking to procure a single asset specialist for the region. The framework is the foundation stone of our journey to becoming an intelligent client, where we will be working collaboratively with high quality, trusted supply chain partners to develop, design and deliver the minimum viable products needed to achieve great outcomes for passengers, freight, and funders. This will be supported through a two-stage incentive model which firstly promotes great planning and design, then secondly through delivery. This will all work within the shared constraint of the Network Rail business plan, bringing all teams within the framework aligned to budgetary financial efficiency. Being an intelligent client means we will be less prescriptive in our specifications, reduce duplication, manage risk appropriately throughout the process, and strengthen our assurance. Additional information: Framework is a ‘zero’ or ‘nil’ value commitment framework.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Network Rail


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