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CE-73-21 - Re-Opening of Flexible Framework for Provision of Care at Home Services (New entrants August 2023)



ONCALL CARE SERVICE LTD, Tanshe Limited, Independent Lifestyle limited trading as Compcare, Radian Resourcing, Tanshe Limited, Independent Lifestyle limited trading as Compcare, Radian Resourcing, Tanshe Limited, Independent Lifestyle limited trading as Compcare, Radian Resourcing, Tanshe Limited, Independent Lifestyle limited trading as Compcare, Radian Resourcing


148,016,000 GBP


UPDATE - JUNE 2023 REOPENING OF THE FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK South Ayrshire Council wish to seek submissions from suitably qualified and experienced providers to supplement its existing Framework for Care at Home Services, ref CE-73-21. The previously advertised flexible framework which commenced on 1 April 2022 allows for re-opening to new Providers. In accordance with its terms, it is now being opened for New Entrants to be admitted under the same requirements as the original tender exercise and as noted herein. Providers already appointed to the Framework are not required to resubmit to remain on the Framework. The estimated value shown in II.1.5 reflects the value advertised at the establishment of the framework which is an estimate and subject to change. As this service is listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations and the contract value exceeds 663,540 GBP over the contract period, the Council will be using the afforded flexibility of the Light Touch Regime to re-open the framework. ORIGINAL CONTRACT NOTICE TEXT: The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership has identified a requirement to establish a Flexible Framework Agreement and contract with suitably experienced and competent Care at Home Service Providers, who hold or can commit to obtain, prior to any appointment, the appropriate Care Inspectorate Registration, to deliver Care at Home Services across South Ayrshire on behalf of South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Lot 1: Ayr and surrounding areas UPDATE - JUNE 2023 REOPENING OF THE FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK South Ayrshire Council wish to seek submissions from suitably qualified and experienced providers to supplement its existing Framework for Care at Home Services, ref CE-73-21. The previously advertised flexible framework which commenced on 1 April 2022 allows for re-opening to new Providers. In accordance with its terms, it is now being opened for New Entrants to be admitted under the same requirements as the original tender exercise and as noted herein. Providers already appointed to the Framework are not required to resubmit to remain on the Framework. The estimated value shown in II.1.5 reflects the value advertised at the establishment of the framework which is an estimate and subject to change. As this service is listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations and the contract value exceeds 663,540 GBP over the contract period, the Council will be using the afforded flexibility of the Light Touch Regime to re-open the framework. ORIGINAL CONTRACT NOTICE TEXT: The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership has identified a requirement to establish a Flexible Framework Agreement and contract with suitably experienced and competent Care at Home Service Providers, who hold or can commit to obtain, prior to any appointment, the appropriate Care Inspectorate Registration, to deliver Care at Home Services across South Ayrshire on behalf of South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Lot 2: Troon and Prestwick and surrounding areas UPDATE - JUNE 2023 REOPENING OF THE FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK South Ayrshire Council wish to seek submissions from suitably qualified and experienced providers to supplement its existing Framework for Care at Home Services, ref CE-73-21. The previously advertised flexible framework which commenced on 1 April 2022 allows for re-opening to new Providers. In accordance with its terms, it is now being opened for New Entrants to be admitted under the same requirements as the original tender exercise and as noted herein. Providers already appointed to the Framework are not required to resubmit to remain on the Framework. The estimated value shown in II.1.5 reflects the value advertised at the establishment of the framework which is an estimate and subject to change. As this service is listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations and the contract value exceeds 663,540 GBP over the contract period, the Council will be using the afforded flexibility of the Light Touch Regime to re-open the framework. ORIGINAL CONTRACT NOTICE TEXT: The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership has identified a requirement to establish a Flexible Framework Agreement and contract with suitably experienced and competent Care at Home Service Providers, who hold or can commit to obtain, prior to any appointment, the appropriate Care Inspectorate Registration, to deliver Care at Home Services across South Ayrshire on behalf of South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Lot 3: Girvan and Maybole and surrounding areas UPDATE - JUNE 2023 REOPENING OF THE FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK South Ayrshire Council wish to seek submissions from suitably qualified and experienced providers to supplement its existing Framework for Care at Home Services, ref CE-73-21. The previously advertised flexible framework which commenced on 1 April 2022 allows for re-opening to new Providers. In accordance with its terms, it is now being opened for New Entrants to be admitted under the same requirements as the original tender exercise and as noted herein. Providers already appointed to the Framework are not required to resubmit to remain on the Framework. The estimated value shown in II.1.5 reflects the value advertised at the establishment of the framework which is an estimate and subject to change. As this service is listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations and the contract value exceeds 663,540 GBP over the contract period, the Council will be using the afforded flexibility of the Light Touch Regime to re-open the framework. ORIGINAL CONTRACT NOTICE TEXT: The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership has identified a requirement to establish a Flexible Framework Agreement and contract with suitably experienced and competent Care at Home Service Providers, who hold or can commit to obtain, prior to any appointment, the appropriate Care Inspectorate Registration, to deliver Care at Home Services across South Ayrshire on behalf of South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Lot 4: Super Lot UPDATE - JUNE 2023 REOPENING OF THE FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK South Ayrshire Council wish to seek submissions from suitably qualified and experienced providers to supplement its existing Framework for Care at Home Services, ref CE-73-21. The previously advertised flexible framework which commenced on 1 April 2022 allows for re-opening to new Providers. In accordance with its terms, it is now being opened for New Entrants to be admitted under the same requirements as the original tender exercise and as noted herein. Providers already appointed to the Framework are not required to resubmit to remain on the Framework. The estimated value shown in II.1.5 reflects the value advertised at the establishment of the framework which is an estimate and subject to change. As this service is listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations and the contract value exceeds 663,540 GBP over the contract period, the Council will be using the afforded flexibility of the Light Touch Regime to re-open the framework. ORIGINAL CONTRACT NOTICE TEXT: The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership has identified a requirement to establish a Flexible Framework Agreement and contract with suitably experienced and competent Care at Home Service Providers, who hold or can commit to obtain, prior to any appointment, the appropriate Care Inspectorate Registration, to deliver Care at Home Services across South Ayrshire on behalf of South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.


Award date

25 days ago

Publish date

3 days ago

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South Ayrshire Council


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