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Expressions of Interest for Professional Market Organiser



15,000 GBP


Weston-super-Mare Town Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced and qualified companies or individuals who wish to be considered for selection to tender for the management and operation of a market in Weston-super-Mare. The successful applicant will ideally have Practical knowledge of food safety/environmental health regulations and processes for approvals/licences in relation to markets as well as practical knowledge of health and safety in relation to markets. It is hoped that the markets open Autumn 2024. Overview of service required:  Weekly General Market in Town Square  Minimum of 21 stalls with aspirations to grow this to a significant size  Organise dates Thursday or Friday - working to ensure no clash with other markets in the region  Variety of quality Stalls (food, plants, bakery, meat, cheese and crafts)  Work in partnership with WSMTC and the Town Centre Partnership  Management of all Health and Safety and compliance with regard to insurance and statutory needs  Responsible for collection of trader's fees  Advertising and Marketing requirements  Responsible for waste disposal and need to provide waste management details with environmental issues are being met Focus of market organiser:  Provide Customer experience, to attract new and repeat customers to the Town Centre  Ensure a quality Stallholder Experience  If you would like to discuss further we would be happy to make an appointment with the town Centre manager for a walk around. The evaluation will be in accordance with the following criteria, a fail under the Health and Safety criteria will automatically result in exclusion from the tender list. An aggregate of 3 or more fails will automatically result in exclusion from the tender list. Evaluation Criteria Pass / Fail -Proven experience in Professional market organisation -Financial capability -Proven experience working for local authority/town council clients -Evidence of an excellent Health & Safety Record (no enforcement action under current legislation) -Resources and availability to commence market Autumn 2024 Interested parties are asked to submit Expressions of Interest to include their:  Company/individual name, address, contact name and registration number (if applicable  Company/individuals bankers name and account number  Details of any enforcement action under Health & Safety Legislation  Brief details of two recent (within last 36 months) similar projects undertaken by the company/individual (Max 1000 words)  Confirmation that the company will be able to submit a tender and should they be successful, commence the service Autumn 2024 Expressions of Interest should be sent no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 31st July Further information in attached document.


Publish date

8 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Weston super Mare Town Council

Sarah Pearse

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