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Supporting Vulnerable Adults DPV: Category 6 - Care Homes & Assisted Living (Round 1)



The London Borough of Newham established a Supporting Vulnerable Adults Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle (DPV) in June 2023 for an initial term of 5 years with the option to extend for a further 5 years. The DPV included the following categories: Category 1 - Supported Living Category 2 - Supporting Vulnerable Single Homeless Adults (SVSHA) Category 3 - Prevention and Floating Support Category 4 - Extra Care Category 5 - Shared Lives Category 6 - Care Homes Category 7 - Immigration Advice and Support The Authority will undertake the procurement for each Category in phases. This notice is in relation to Category 6 Care Homes & Assisted Living. Estimated Total Aggregate Value across the lifetime of the DPV for Category 6 is £503,115,701 Category 6 is for Care Homes & Assisted living within the London Borough of Newham which covers a wide range of services for residents with various levels of need. This may include providing support to residents in their own home who live within a shared setting e.g. Extra Care / Assisted Living as well as providing accommodation based support within a housing setting e.g. Care Home. The levels of care and support may vary from providing home visits on a regular basis to providing care and support throughout the day and night as required as well as the requirement for 24/7 on-site provision. Providers may deliver both the accommodation and care and support element of the service or the care and support element of the service only. Service specifications for category 6 are not available to view at admission stage, but core information relevant to the service specification is included in 'The Service Brief' document. This should give providers enough information to decide whether they want to apply for admission to the Supporting Vulnerable Adults DPV - Category 6 Care Homes & Assisted Living. The procurement is being conducted in accordance with Regulation 74 to 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The procurement is subject to the light-touch regime under Section 7 and as such, the Authority is free to establish a procedure, provided that procedure is sufficient to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment of economic operators (providers). The DPV is open for admission and withdrawal of providers to each category (once launched) and specialism(s) (where applicable) throughout its lifetime. Applications for admission to a category will be assessed in "Rounds" throughout the lifetime of the DPV (further information below). Providers applying for admission to a category within a Round will be required to complete and meet minimum standards set out within the procurement documentation. The Estimated Total Aggregate Value for Newham across the lifetime of the DPV is £957,356,593. The DPV is open for use to other North East London Boroughs. The Boroughs are: Barking and Dagenham, City of London, Hackney, Havering, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest. Estimated Total Aggregate Value across all local authorities across the lifetime of the DPV is £6,701,496,150 Lot 1: The procurement will be carried out in two stages. To be admitted to the DPV for Category 6, all providers must complete and meet the minimum criteria within the Selection Questionnaire referred to as Stage 1 of the process. Following the launch and admission of providers onto the DPV for Category 6, mini competitions may be run for award of contracts, this is referred to as Stage 2 of the process. Only those providers who have been successfully admitted to the DPV for Category 6 will be eligible to bid for contracts under the mini-competition process at Stage 2. There is no limit to the number of providers that may join Category 6. Providers applying for admission to the category within a Round will be required to complete and meet minimum standards set out within the procurement documentation. Any interested organisation/consortium with relevant experience may apply to be admitted to the Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle (DPV). The DPV is a predominantly electronic system. There will be no form of exclusivity or volume guarantee granted by the Authority or any other authority which is eligible to purchase services under the DPV in respect of the DPV services. Additional information: The E-Tendering portal used for this procurement will be Oracle Fusion and tender documentation is available on the link provided within this notice.


Publish date

5 months ago

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4 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Newham

Stacey Sangha

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