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The de Ferrers Trust ~ Cleaning Tender



6,050,000 GBP


The successful Supplier will be required to provide cleaning services for the seven schools within The de Ferrers Trust. The Trust consists of three Secondary, two Primary, one Infant and one Junior school in and around Burton-Upon-Trent. Lot 1: The annual value of the contract in total is approximately £1,210,000. The trust believes that all children and young people in their care should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential through achieving highly, regardless of their ability or background. The de Ferrers Trust comprises of the following schools: - The de Ferrers Academy Horninglow Primary Lansdowne Infant Eton Park Junior The Pingle Academy Granville Academy Richard Wakefield CE Primary Academy The duration of the contract being offered is three years commencing on 1st September 2025 and concluding on 31st August 2028 and will be on a guaranteed performance basis offering a fixed annual return and or subsidy to the Trust. There will be the option to extend the contract for a further term excluding the right to further extend for a further term of two years. This contract will be fixed price in nature with the successful supplier also guaranteeing the number of input hours to the contract as well as the quality of cleaning provision. Whilst the monthly charge will represent one-twelfth of the contract cost, a reconciliation will take place monthly to reconcile the actual hours worked within the school contract. If the hours worked are less than those budgeted for a credit will be required by the schools. This credit will be calculated by dividing the annual contract cost (fixed cost) by the number of annual input hours to arrive at a contractual cost per hour, this will then be multiplied by the number of hours due to arrive at the fiscal credit. The Trust is seeking a suitably experienced supplier who has current experience of working within the Primary or Secondary school marketplace, ideally with a strong operational base within the area, thus allowing for both adequate contract support and operational flexibility that is to be delivered to support the contract as and when needed during the contract term. A robust level of management support must be provided by the successful contractor to ensure that the detailed specification is delivered within the contract on a consistent basis within the contract period. A good working relationship with the Trust is essential but also with the individual schools. The Trust is looking for a supplier who is flexible in their approach and will work closely with all schools to ensure that standards of cleanliness are kept high. They would also like to look at the efficiency of the cleaning contracts particularly with staffing levels and the introduction of new equipment. As part of the new contract, the Trust also has the following key objectives: - 1. To maintain a safe and hygienic environment 2. Minimise disruption to school activities 3. Promote environmental sustainability 4. Responsive and adaptive cleaning services 5. Effective communication and reporting For further information, see SQ document.


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The de Ferrers Trust


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