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Art Therapy Services for North Ayrshire Council



Art Therapy Services for North Ayrshire Coumncil Within North Ayrshire, we have high numbers of children and young people who are placed within a Kinship Care placement. These are generally successful placements, in that frequently there is a pre-existing relationship between the adult caregiver and the child, or young person and generally they are related ie grandparents. The child, or young person, is still placed within their own families, which is familiar to them, and they are still able to enjoy family ties and relationships. Also, in many cases, they can also have some contact with their parents and brothers and sisters. Such placements rarely break down as family ties can be strong and often, while there may be issues, family members can rally around at such times and provide support as well as having a vested interest in the placement continuing, for the benefit of the young person. However, situations can arise, where, due to the trauma experienced by the young person, or issues with the care givers in terms of health, etc. some placement can become precarious. Care givers, often being grandparents, can find difficulty in terms of the ‘generation divide’, when a young person reaches adolescence and for the young person too, this can activate feelings and experiences from their past. Covid-19 has also exacerbated family relationships and care givers and young people can feel anxious and isolated. To support the building of resilience and wellbeing, post lockdown and that the children are assisted to develop confidence and to mitigate against placements difficulties, North Ayrshire are exploring the option of the provision of Art Therapy, as a medium, to consider a new creative and bespoke programme, which will provide support for the young people, as well as to their families. North Ayrshire Council require such programmes, to be tailored to support and engage the young people who are referred, as it is felt that they would benefit and indeed profit, as well as their care givers, from additional therapeutic support, to increase confidence and resilience and to strengthen the family ties and enable the placement to not only continue, but to consolidate and flourish. The programmes will require to cover approximately 10/12 young people, on an individual basis and also to include engagement with care givers, where this is felt to be required and is in the best interests of the young person. The programme will require to be delivered in a North Ayrshire location and within a venue which is easily accessible for young people and their families throughout the local authority. The venue should have easy access by public transport to encourage take up from a range of situations and also to promote independence. The venue would require access to a studio and art space, breakout rooms etc. The service will provide a range of personal and social development opportunities tailored to meet individual needs and circumstances. Programme Objectives Include: - - Provide structure, routine and purpose - Enable young people to cope with trauma and emotional issues through the medium of art therapy, which will enable them to deal with feelings, which are not always so easy to verbalise, such as grief and loss - Improve stability within kinship placements - Improve communication skills and self awareness in young people - Development of confidence and resilience - Build motivation, capability and aspirations - Increase independence - Young people are better able to express themselves and think creatively - Families/caregivers develop a better understanding of the young person’s situation - Families/caregivers gain in insight, communication skills and attachments and strengthened


Publish date

3 years ago

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North Ayrshire Council

Mark Milligan

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