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BCU-OJEU-58082 - Independent Third Sector Stroke Recovery Service for BCUHB



The NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership on behalf of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is looking to appoint a suitably qualified provider of Independent Third Sector Stroke Recovery Services, starting on 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2028. Following a review of the Health Board’s Stroke Pathway by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in 2017, a business case was submitted and funding agreed to improve on Stroke services across the pathway and the Health Board. This not only included plans to improve inpatient, rehabilitation and early supported discharge care, but also to provide support for patients for life after stroke. Once approved and funding was agreed, Stroke teams across the Health Board and pathway implemented the recommendations from the business case. One aspect of this was to employ a third sector provider to offer support to patients, their families and carers, advice, support and contacts to other services, for up to 18 months after their stroke. Further detail of the requirement is outlined within the service specification included with this tender which is available online via e-tender wales. itt_114802 Lot 1: The Service will be provided across the 6 counties of North Wales, and this tender is intended to appoint one organisation that will cover the 3 IHCs of East, Central and West. The Service Provider will ensure that the service provision meets the needs of local communities, reflecting the distinct characteristics of each locality, and maximising partnership working across all agencies and sectors. The aim of the Service is to ensure consistency of resources and activity in relation to the activity across North Wales, ensuring equality of opportunity for those eligible Stroke Survivors within the catchment area of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB). This will be done by the provider contributing to improvements in the stroke pathway identified as Life after Stroke and bringing additional expertise, knowledge and resource, from outside of the Health Board, in order to deliver the aims of the Health Board’s stroke delivery plan. The provider will ensure the service is focused on support on discharge by visiting stroke survivors, carers and families in hospital, prior to discharge to assess what is required once they are discharged. Although support is usually provided for up to 12 months, the provider will offer support for up to 18 months, should it be required. Liaison with the respective multi-disciplinary stroke teams will be important to ensure decision making and care plans are tailored to the stroke survivor and their carers/families. In addition to the above, the provider will: -Educate survivors and their carers/families the risk factors for stroke and encourage appropriate changes to lifestyle to reduce the risk of further strokes. -Identify and signpost patients and their families to social opportunities/coffee meets/befriending, information events, and providing peer support opportunities for carers and/or stroke survivors where needed.


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2 months ago

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20 days ago

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NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Gregg Roberts

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