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TEC Partnership - Heart of Campus Furniture - AWARD



Richardson Business Equipment Distributors Ltd


139,602.45 GBP


The project comprises of the supply and delivery of scheduled furniture in support of the Institute of Technology initiative. The TEC Partnership has named a number or products on the drawings/specifications based upon a technical assessment and/or previous use, however the contractor is permitted to offer an alternative if it fully matches the specified technical performance of the named product. If proposing an alternative, an example and full technical specification will need to be provided with your submission and will be subject to approval of the Director of Estates. Scope 1. Furniture schedule detailed by a. 24.05.20 Studio 93 Grimsby Institute Further Education Centre b. 24.05.20 Studio 93 Grimsby Institute University Centre The supplier should submit cost each item separately within their tender submission. 2. Please price Schedule of Furniture to include delivery to the specific room, unpacking, erecting (if applicable) and placing into position 3. All rubbish to be collected and removed from site. 4. The Supplier is to consider the type of furniture specified as an illustration of the style required. 5. Should the Supplier have a similar product in terms of look and quality then they should price accordingly but be prepared to offer a sample for consideration.


Publish date

8 months ago

Award date

6 months ago

Buyer information

TEC Partnership

Daniel Thompson

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