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Dog Wood Cycle Path Design



Hegsons Design Consultancy (UK) Limited.


7,875 GBP


This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The appointed contractor/supplier will be expected to ensure adherence to all UKSPF guidance. PROJECT SCOPE The scope of this work is to: 1- Develop a design for the proposed route Following an on-site survey, develop a detailed design plan for the route for its full extent. This should include a map showing the precise route and widths. The path should be suitable for pedestrian and cycle use. It will also identify the works required to build the path, including (for example) the construction of culverts, installation of fencing, removal of trees, grading of land etc. This should be sufficient to clearly explain to landowners what works would be required. The plan should detail options/recommendations for the finish of the path and associated infrastructure (e.g. signage, drainage, lighting) as applicable. The design should carefully consider the existing sites and safety of users i.e. in relation to proximity to the railway. 2 - Develop a proposed construction methodology This should detail how the plan in section one would be constructed including site access, construction methods and site compounds. It should be sufficiently detailed to be used as the basis for a formal tender for companies to price against and should identify all works anticipated to deliver the path. The railway bridge at Mallard Close is not suitable for vehicular use and Network Rail would not permit works vehicle access over this. 3 - Provide an indicative price estimate This should provide a guide cost for the project to enable us to seek grant funding. This should be: a) Single phase for whole path b) Two phases: Moor to Tatton Park and Through Tatton Park to Parkgate Lane QUOTE SUBMISSIONS The deadline for submission of quotes is 31st January 2024. All quotes should be submitted by email to: The submission should comprise: 1) Quotation of a fixed price for the requirement set out 2) An example of a similar report you have prepared 3) Company background and key personnel skills/experience 4) A reference for a similar project


Award date

a year ago

Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Knutsford Town Council

Adam Keppel-Green

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