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Public Health Funerals



West Northamptonshire Council (the Council) has a statutory duty under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 to provide suitable funeral arrangements for persons who have died within the West Northamptonshire area where there is no one prepared to make suitable funeral arrangements. This can apply to any person who dies in private or council owned property, in the street or open air, or at a nursing/residential care home or hospice. To fulfil this duty, the Council is seeking to award a framework with two separate Lots. Each Lot will be awarded to a single Provider and will cover a defined geographical area of West Northamptonshire as follows: Lot 1 - Central Northampton Lot 2 - Wider West Northants For full details about this opportunity and to submit an application please register on the Council's In-Tend portal which can be found at: Please note, we have designed the process in a minimalist fashion to allow Providers to easily confirm whether they meet the Council's minimum requirements and at what price this can be delivered alongside any social value that can be offered. However, should any Providers find they are having difficulties in submitting their tenders, please contact us via the messaging function of In-Tend or if you are experiencing problems using In-tend please email marking the subject header Public Health Funerals For Attention Of Jason Shanks Additional information: Please visit the West Northamptonshire Council e-Procurement Portal ( to register your interest in this opportunity and to access the documentation. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes


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West Northamptonshire Council

Jason Shanks

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