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Children and young people’s future mental health offer - Kent & Medway – Pre-procurement market engagement event to explore future contracting and collaborative learning network & advice models.



***This advert is for engagement only – this is not a procurement at this stage***<br/>NHS Kent and Medway ICB intends to commission several contracts that will form part of<br/>the future mental health offer for its children and young people. Lot 1: ***This advert is for pre-procurement market engagement only - this is not a procurement at this stage***<br/><br/>NHS Kent and Medway ICB intends to commission several contracts that will form part of the future mental health offer for its children and young people. <br/><br/>The commissioner has published this Prior Information Notice to support pre- procurement market engagement only at this stage. <br/>Further to the previous market engagement event in November 2023, the Commissioner intends to hold a further in-person pre-procurement market engagement event to build on the work started to help the Commissioner develop the contracting model for future contracts. Commissioners will also ask stakeholders to provide feedback and reflections on emerging ideas around collaborative learning networks & advice models and how innovation can be applied to this area. The Commissioner welcomes participation from both stakeholders who attended the previous event, and any new stakeholders who may be interested in attending. <br/><br/>The in-person pre-market engagement event will take place in Aylesford Community Centre between 9:30am and 12:30pm on Thursday 1st February 2024.


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a year ago

Buyer information

NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board

William Clark

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