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Single Party Framework Agreement for the Supply of Wood Manufacturing and Finishing Machines for Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board



This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a Single Supplier Party Framework ("Framework") for the Supply of Wood Manufacturing and Finishing Machines for Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board. The tender is divided into 8 Lots. Tenderers may submit proposals for one or more lots and must be clear on which lots they are tendering for in their response. The minimum contract awarded will be one Lot. The quantities may also be varied depending on the funding available. Tenderers may tender for one or several lots. The eight lots are as follows: Lot 1 Panel Saw Lot 2 Circular Saw (Ripsaw) Lot 3 Cross Cut Lot 4 Planner Lot 5 Thicknesser Lot 6 Bandsaw Lot 7 Tenoner Lot 8 Scribing Head It is important to note that the equipment must be fit for purpose meeting the requirements of the instructors delivering training to Apprentices/students in a trainee workshop environment. Please note that we require all machines to be delivered as soon as possible on award of the contract per lot. Suppliers must indicate timelines in response. It is the intention of the Contracting Authority to establish a Single Party Supplier Framework for each lot from which call-off contracts will be awarded to the successful supplier (under the particular lots awarded) and will be run by the training centres as requirements arise over the lifetime of the Framework. In the context of a single-party framework agreement, the successful framework member does not have to compete for each new contract. It is emphasised that a framework agreement constitutes no guarantee to purchase a specific quantity of supplies or Supplies from a particular economic operator. Indeed, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to operate outside of the framework agreement at its discretion, particularly should it become apparent that doing so would offer greater value for money. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the framework agreement approach has been adopted to leverage efficiencies and maximise cost savings over the duration of the framework.


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a month ago

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11 days ago

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Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board_110494

Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board_110494

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