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North Central London GP Primary Medical Services under APMS contracts 2024



49,518,872 GBP


NHS North Central London (NCL) Integrated Care Board (ICB) the 'ICB' is seeking to procure GP Primary Medical Services under APMS Contracts delivered from the following sites: • Lot 1 - Barnsbury Medical Practice, 8 Bingfield Street, London N1 0AL. • Lot 2 - Hanley Primary Care Centre, 51 Hanley Rd, Finsbury Park, London N4 3DU • Lot 3 - J S Medical Practice, (Currently operating from the main site) 107 Philip Lane, London N15 4JR; 2 Branch sites: 26 Westbury Avenue, London, N22 6RS; Branch site: Park Lane Surgery, 106 Park Lane, Tottenham, London, N17 0JP The contracts will have an initial term of 5 years (60 months), followed by an optional extension of 5 years (60 months) at the discretion of the commissioner, and followed by a further optional extension of up to 5 years (60 months) at the discretion of the commissioner. If all available extension is taken up in full the contract will have a maximum duration of 15 years (180 months). NB Contract values within this notice are indicative and based on current list sizes. Lot 1: Lot 1 Barnsbury Medical Practice (BMP) - Islington Lot 1 Barnsbury Medical Practice (BMP) - Islington • A single APMS contract with delivery of Primary Medical services from 8 Bingfield Street, London N1 0AL. • The contract will commence from Summer of 2024. • The estimated contract value is Lot 1: £563,614 annually or £ £8,454.208 over 15 years. • The Primary Medical Services to be delivered to a registered list of 4512 patients (weighted list 4835.22) on 1 July 2023 Lot 2: Lot 2 Hanley Primary Care Centre (HPCC) - Islington Lot 2 Hanley Primary Care Centre (HPCC) - Islington • A single APMS contract with delivery of Primary Medical Services from 51 Hanley Rd, Finsbury Park, London N4 3DU. • The contract will commence from summer of 2024 • The estimated contract value is Lot 2: £1,227,794 annually or £ 18,416,923 over 15 years. • The Primary Medical Services to be delivered to a registered list of 10769 patients (weighted list 10515.31) on 1 July 2023 Lot 3: Lot 3: JS Medical Practice (JSM) - Haringey Lot 3: JS Medical Practice (JSM) - Haringey • A single APMS contract with delivery Primary Medical Services currently being delivered from three sites: 107 Philip Lane, London N15 4JR; Branch sites: 26 Westbury Avenue, London, N22 6RS; Branch site: Park Lane Surgery, 106 Park Lane, Tottenham, London, N17 0JP. • The contract will commence from summer of 2024 • The estimated contract value is Lot 3: £ 1,509,849.42 annually or £ 22,647,741 over 15 years. • The Primary Medical Services to be delivered to a registered list of 12961 patients (weighted list 12936.3) on 1 July 2023


Publish date

2 years ago

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NHS North Central London ICB


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