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Donegal County Council tender for demolition of existing pump stations and pretreatment plant and construction of new Irish Water specification pump station, rising main and gravity sewers



Installation of 2 nr 1400mm x 800mm Technocover Steelway EJ or similarly approved cover with spring load cover and fall protection on new valve chamber and wet well; 15m approx. of 125mm red electrical duct from existing ESB connection point to new metering cabinet at new pumping station; 12m approx. of 110mm electrical ducting between electrical kiosks, wet well, valve chamber etc within the pump station; Design, supply and install pump station in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03. Foul water pump station proposal supplied in specifications folder of contract documents as background information; Install 315m approx. of 110mm HDPE SDR17 rising main to be laid from meter chamber to enabling works completed by UÉ regional Contractor, enabling works located in N14 and terminate within both estate entrances, and from end point of enabling works to connect to public sewer in Hazelwood Drive as per contract documents and Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03; Pressure testing of Rising main as per Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03; Install 330m approx. of 225mm diameter uPVC sewer pipe, including manholes, in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03 and contract documents. As before, allow for connecting to both ends of enabling works completed by UÉ at estate entrances; Complete air and water testing of foul network in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03; Supply, install and commission all pump station M and E components in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03, including electrical certification; Construct foul diversion manholes and accompanying diversion sewers approx. 42m in total as per contract drawings in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03. Allow for breaking out concrete, rechannelling of flows, rebenching, resealing and a new D400 cover. Incoming sewers will be live; Supply and install concrete apron over new pump station footprint 81m2 to a depth of 125mm with brush finish; Traffic Management to be implemented on site; Remove existing metal covers, kiosks, esb cabinets, decommission and backfill the existing wet wells and or chambers with 4inch crush and run and remove existing concrete plinths for 2 no. pump stations and 1 no. pretreatment plant Installation of 2 nr 1400mm x 800mm Technocover Steelway EJ or similarly approved cover with spring load cover and fall protection on new valve chamber and wet well; 15m approx. of 125mm red electrical duct from existing ESB connection point to new metering cabinet at new pumping station; 12m approx. of 110mm electrical ducting between electrical kiosks, wet well, valve chamber etc within the pump station; Design, supply and install pump station in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03. Foul water pump station proposal supplied in specifications folder of contract documents as background information; Install 315m approx. of 110mm HDPE SDR17 rising main to be laid from meter chamber to enabling works completed by UÉ regional Contractor, enabling works located in N14 and terminate within both estate entrances, and from end point of enabling works to connect to public sewer in Hazelwood Drive as per contract documents and Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03; Pressure testing of Rising main as per Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03; Install 330m approx. of 225mm diameter uPVC sewer pipe, including manholes, in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03 and contract documents. As before, allow for connecting to both ends of enabling works completed by UÉ at estate entrances; Complete air and water testing of foul network in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03; Supply, install and commission all pump station M and E components in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03, including electrical certification; Construct foul diversion manholes and accompanying diversion sewers approx. 42m in total as per contract drawings in accordance with Irish Water Code of Practice for Wastewater Infrastructure IW-CDS-5030-03. Allow for breaking out concrete, rechannelling of flows, rebenching, resealing and a new D400 cover. Incoming sewers will be live; Supply and install concrete apron over new pump station footprint 81m2 to a depth of 125mm with brush finish; Traffic Management to be implemented on site; Remove existing metal covers, kiosks, esb cabinets, decommission and backfill the existing wet wells and or chambers with 4inch crush and run and remove existing concrete plinths for 2 no. pump stations and 1 no. pretreatment plant


Publish date

2 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

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Donegal County Council_1193

Donegal County Council_1193

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