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Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service



Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service is a peer support, postvention service commissioned as part of the Leeds Suicide Prevention Action Plan. Postvention supports people bereaved and/or affected by suicide to avoid long term negative health and social outcomes and plays a critical part in preventing further suicides. The service does this by providing timely peer support in a variety of forms including with individuals, families, and groups. Lot 1: Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service is a peer support, postvention service commissioned as part of the Leeds Suicide Prevention Action Plan. Postvention supports people bereaved and/or affected by suicide to avoid long term negative health and social outcomes and plays a critical part in preventing further suicides. The service does this by providing timely peer support in a variety of forms including with individuals, families, and groups. The service provides postvention support in Leeds to people potentially affected by every suicide, including that of friends and relatives of people who die by suicide and who risk making a suicide attempt after their loss. This service allows vulnerable members of the public to have a clear pathway into receiving appropriate and timely support. The service is efficient in responding to outreach opportunities for prevention and in managing service user waiting lists and data sharing, which means more timely and effective support can be provided, it helps to provide better opportunities to identify potential clusters and prevent future suicide and harm. Lot 1: Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service is a peer support, postvention service commissioned as part of the Leeds Suicide Prevention Action Plan. Postvention supports people bereaved and/or affected by suicide to avoid long term negative health and social outcomes and plays a critical part in preventing further suicides. The service does this by providing timely peer support in a variety of forms including with individuals, families, and groups. The service provides postvention support in Leeds to people potentially affected by every suicide, including that of friends and relatives of people who die by suicide and who risk making a suicide attempt after their loss. This service allows vulnerable members of the public to have a clear pathway into receiving appropriate and timely support. The service is efficient in responding to outreach opportunities for prevention and in managing service user waiting lists and data sharing, which means more timely and effective support can be provided, it helps to provide better opportunities to identify potential clusters and prevent future suicide and harm.


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Leeds City Council

Clarissa Hoult

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