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Leicester City Healthcare Hub Services



Millennium Health Ltd (trading as Millennium Federation)


1,969,891 GBP


To provide the locally registered population with convenient and equitable extended access to general practice (365 days per year, including Bank Holidays) from Leicester City Healthcare Hub Services, with referrals from Leicester City GPs, NHS 111 and UHL LRI ED to support urgent and emergency care services. Lot 1: To provide the registered population with convenient and equitable extended access to Primary Care by offering 1,208 appointments per week, 365 days per year, including Bank Holidays: - Access to pre-bookable and same-day appointments during the week - Provide robust evidence, based on utilisation rates, for the proposed disposition of services throughout the week - Maximise the potential for appointments booked via NHS 111, General Practice, Emergency Department or other stakeholders to ensure good patient flow and patient experience - Maximise digital access to appointments via a range of SMS text, online appointment booking and telephone consultations. The ICB is intending to award a contract to an existing provider following direct award process C, where the existing provider is satisfying the existing contract and will likely satisfy the proposed new contract, and the contract is not changing considerably, and the test for considerable change is not met. The approximate lifetime value of the contract is £1,969,891. The dates between which the services are intended to be provided are: 01/04/2025 to 30/09/2025, with an option to extend by a further 6 months until 31/03/2026. The ICB is currently reviewing its same-day access provision across LLR, with the intention to bring forward a new model of local primary care same-day access within the next 12 months; and will be looking at opportunities to engage with relevant providers in due course.


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board

Paulo Sousa-Cabral

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