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Alternative Education Rolling Select List



Tenders are invited for inclusion on a Rolling Select List of approved, quality assured providers of Alternative Education intended to facilitate the placement of vulnerable children and young people for whom the Council has a statutory responsibility. All young people placed under this contract will be of statutory school age in Key Stages 1-5. Alternative Education encompasses a wide range of provisions including vocational therapeutic and tuition services offering up to 15 hours per week. These placements will be for children and young people who are currently not in education or are experiencing placement breakdown Alternative education focusses on removing barriers to education and typically helping pupils back into mainstream environments. Whatever form it takes, Alternative Education should always be part of the inclusion process, not the end goal. These packages are commissioned outside of the local offer and are individually tailored to meet the needs of the individuals. These packages are put in place for children when there are difficulties in identifying a suitable permanent education provision for the child. The provision is used as an interim measure to ensure CYP continue to receive education and support whilst a more permanent placement is identified. These may also be put in place at the request of the families. Providers can apply to join the Rolling Select List or amend which lots they have bid for at any time, however, once the select list is live, applications will only be considered on a termly basis during the months of February, June and October each calendar year. Bidders will be notified no later than the end of the calendar month following month that the Rolling Select List is advertised as open to new bidders. e.g. end of March, end of July and end of November. This Rolling Select List complies with the Light touch Regime under the Public Contract Regulations 2015. Additional information: This opportunity is available in the `Current Tenders` area of Interested parties are invited to express their interest in order to gain full access to the tender documentation Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

2 years ago

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in 4 months

Buyer information

Suffolk County Council

Katrina Browning

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