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VIVID - Development of site at Chapel Hill (Brown Shed)




16,000,000 GBP


Subject to planning it is VIVID's intention to enter into a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) to work collaboratively with a Contractor who will manage the progression of design and costings through Open Book techniques for the residential development at Chapel Hill, Basingstoke with the intention of entering into a fixed price design and build Contract. The discharging of pre-start planning conditions will be a service under the PCSA with the option to progress design to RIBA Stage 5 to enable a site start immediately at the end of the PCSA period. It is anticipated that the PCSA could run from Q3 2025 to approximately Q4 2025 / Q1 2026. The design and build Contract is optional for VIVID subject to viability and demonstrating Value for Money (VFM). The contractor will be managing and coordinating the design process on behalf of VIVID in accordance with the Employers Requirements and as further described within this SQ / ITT. The Project The Works comprise the design and construction of 73 new residential units together with associated hard and soft landscaping works, including all soft landscaping and maintenance as required by the Local Authority, together with all other necessary infrastructure works and off-site works required to complete the development. The existing buildings occupying the site are to be demolished with foundations and drainage removed. The Contractor is to negotiate and enter into (or where this must be by the landowner, the Contractor is to indemnify VIVID under all terms in) any BAPA / APA necessary for the works to be undertaken. The Contractors' attention is drawn to the site constraints including but not limited to existing buildings occupying the site, ecology, archaeology, contamination, adjoining properties, businesses and roads, main line railway and external noise sources. The Contractors' attention is drawn to the fact that Network Rail require 24/7 access through the site to access the railway line. This must be maintained throughout the construction works.


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Steve Phipps

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