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ROH PROMS Platform Pre-Market Engagement



The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH) in Birmingham is seeking to engage with suppliers interested in its requirements for a patient Reporting Outcome measures System (Proms) platform.<br/>The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (ROH (Royal Orthopaedic Hospital)) is one of the largest specialist orthopaedic units in Europe, offering planned orthopaedic surgery to people locally, nationally, and internationally. Situated in the south of Birmingham, five miles from Birmingham City Centre, it provides services to a population of around 1.3 million. The ROH became a foundation trust in 2007 Lot 1: Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) are questionnaires that ask about patients health and wellbeing. The information given can help to monitor progress and recovery, help identify any issues patients are experiencing and allow insight into outcomes to improve care and treatment pathways. Outcome measures make it much easier to co-produce personalised care plans. <br/>PROMs are a nationally mandated data collection for all providers of NHS-funded care since April 2009. Data is published nationally on a monthly basis.<br/>PROMs comprise a pair of questionnaires completed by the patient, one before and one at least six months after surgery. Patients’ self-reported health status (sometimes referred to as health-related quality of life) is assessed through a mixture of generic and condition-specific questions.<br/>For each patient, the PROMs dataset includes the following:<br/>• patient-identifiable information, which is used for linkage purposes and not made available for wider analysis<br/>• a condition-specific measure of self-reported health status<br/>• generic measures of self-reported health status<br/>• additional questions about the patient’s own health, including whether they have pre-existing conditions such as arthritis or diabetes<br/>Analysis of the differences between the pre-operative and the post-operative PROMs data can be used to determine the outcome of the operation as perceived by the patient in terms of its impact on their self-reported symptoms and functional status.<br/>To add to the value of the PROMs questionnaire data, they are linked routinely with Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) episode-level information.<br/>The ROH is one of the three main Orthopaedic hospitals in the UK which carries out elective orthopaedic surgery. Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) have emerged as a promising approach to involve patients in their treatment process. Beyond serving as outcome measures, PROMs can be applied to provide feedback to health care providers and patients, thereby offering valuable insights that can improve health outcomes and care processes.


Publish date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Andrew Gough

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