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Request for Tender for Delivery of Direct Support to Community Early Years Providers in Cork City



CCP requests Tenders for the: • Delivery of direct supports to community early years providers in Cork City. The successful tenderer must deliver this service in line with the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme 2024-2028 Programme Requirements, which can be viewed at: Please note these requirements may change from time to time and it is critical that the successful tenderer adheres to any changes. The specific target group for this contracted service is:- • People living in Disadvantaged Communities. The successful tenderer will fulfil all obligations in relation to this contract with Cork City Partnership in the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of these services. The target geographical area for the delivery of the services in this tender is the Local Authority Cork City Area. SICAP’s vision is to improve the life chances and opportunities of those who are marginalised in society, living in poverty or in unemployment through community development approaches, targeted supports and interagency collaboration, where the values of equality and inclusion are promoted and human rights are respected. SICAP’s aim is to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and equality through supporting communities and individuals using community development approaches, engagement and collaboration. SICAP’s goals are to: 1. Contribute to Building more Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities. 2. Empower Disadvantaged People to Improve the Quality of Their Lives Cork City Partnership CLG., in relation to Goal 1 above, specifically in relation to its Gender Equality – Supports to Women and Children action, wishes to contract out management and monitoring of: Delivery of direct supports to community early years providers in Cork City. CCP requests Tenders for the: • Delivery of direct supports to community early years providers in Cork City. The successful tenderer must deliver this service in line with the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme 2024-2028 Programme Requirements, which can be viewed at: Please note these requirements may change from time to time and it is critical that the successful tenderer adheres to any changes. The specific target group for this contracted service is:- • People living in Disadvantaged Communities. The successful tenderer will fulfil all obligations in relation to this contract with Cork City Partnership in the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of these services. The target geographical area for the delivery of the services in this tender is the Local Authority Cork City Area. SICAP’s vision is to improve the life chances and opportunities of those who are marginalised in society, living in poverty or in unemployment through community development approaches, targeted supports and interagency collaboration, where the values of equality and inclusion are promoted and human rights are respected. SICAP’s aim is to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and equality through supporting communities and individuals using community development approaches, engagement and collaboration. SICAP’s goals are to: 1. Contribute to Building more Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities. 2. Empower Disadvantaged People to Improve the Quality of Their Lives Cork City Partnership CLG., in relation to Goal 1 above, specifically in relation to its Gender Equality – Supports to Women and Children action, wishes to contract out management and monitoring of: Delivery of direct supports to community early years providers in Cork City.


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a year ago

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a year ago

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Cork City Partnership CLG

Cork City Partnership CLG

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