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BBV HS2 MWCC North - Drugs & Alcohol Testing Services



750,000 GBP


Balfour Beatty VINCI (BBV) have been awarded HS2 main works civils contracts for the Area North project in the West Midlands. BBV require a supplier to deliver random Drug and Alcohol testing and laboratory service across Area North. A minimum of 10% of the workforce shall be randomly tested across Area North each year, with a planned schedule to ensure all sublots are consistently tested throughout the year. The workforce is estimated to be around 10,000 workers each year. The successful supplier will be responsible for planning and managing the random testing schedule, coordinating with named contacts at each location to arrange the random testing. Given the size of the project, locations being geographically remote, and BBV not being able to guarantee a suitable 'on-site' space for random testing, the successful supplier should be able to provide mobile unit(s) for random testing, that can be utilised across the project. BBV also require a supplier to be 'on-call' 24 hours a day to complete 'for-cause' testing. The successful supplier should be able to attend any BBV location within 2 hours to complete 'for-cause' testing. The successful supplier must be able to provide competent collection technicians for D&A testing. Drug and Alcohol Chain of Custody training is required, and the successful supplier will be required to deliver both drug and alcohol testing training to BBV colleagues and be able to provide the necessary equipment for this testing to be delivered onsite by BBV colleagues, including yearly calibration of the equipment. The successful supplier will be required to produce detailed monthly MI, providing an overview of D&A testing that month across the project, as well as being able to provide sublot specific D&A MI. This will also include a requirement for laboratory services. The supplier's laboratory must have ISO 9001: 2005 quality certificate accredited by UKAS and be approved for gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry for confirmation of results. The laboratory must be able to provide expert toxicology analysis and opinion.


Publish date

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd

Matt Munn

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