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Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS)



The CVRAS (Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme) supports the cleaning up of older and more polluting legacy vehicles .Transport creates around 70% of roadside nitrogen oxides and makes a significant contribution to particulate matter. The 26 July 2017 UK Plan for Tackling Roadside Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations outlines how councils with NO2 levels exceeding legal limits must develop and implement local plans to deliver legal levels of NO2 in the shortest time possible. The NO2 plan identified charging Clean Air Zones (CAZs) are an effective means of achieving compliance with NO2 levels in the shortest time possible and as such local authorities need to consider CAZs or equally effective measures to reduce NO2 concentrations. Lot 1: The CVRAS provides a robust assurance scheme for suppliers and their products that can be retrofitted to vehicles meaning vehicle operators can have confidence their vehicles will be recognised as compliant for Clean Air Zone (CAZ), Ultra Low Emissions Zone or Low Emissions Zone entry without charge and local authorities implementing clean air policies can be confident in the performance of retrofitted vehicles. In support of this, Defra will be seeking an experienced provider with knowledge of and relationships with the retrofit industry, expertise on retrofit technologies and knowledge of the bus industry and automotive industry. The services to be provided include: - Hosting the CVRAS website and carrying out company audits for company accreditations and annual checks, verifying product testing and certifying retrofit technologies. - Owning the CVRAS and making any changes required to maintain its effectiveness. - Updating the whitelist of retrofitted vehicles for the CAZ vehicle checker on a weekly basis. - Potential for ongoing enforcement of retrofitted vehicles and the rectifying of issues. - Potential for reviewing the performance of retrofitted vehicles. Additional information: This is not a call for competition. This is an indicative specification to gauge interest only and is subject to change.


Publish date

3 years ago

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