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63,655 GBP


Fawley Parish Council requires a Changing Places (CP) toilet to be installed within the current accessible changing area located on the ground floor of Gang Warily Recreation Centre. It is recommended that any prospective bidders conduct a site visit prior to submitting a bid. Tenders are to be submitted in hard copy in a sealed marked envelope addressed to Dannielle Alexander, Finance Office, at Gang Warily Recreation Centre, Newlands Road, Fawley, SO45 1GA by 10am on Friday 28th June 2024. Submissions received after this date and time will not be considered. Bids for this contract will be opened on Friday 28th June 2024. Fawley Parish Council reserves the right not to award any contract as a result of this tender. The Council will notify applicants of the outcome of their tender by end July 2024. All tender bids will be treated as private and confidential.


Publish date

8 months ago

Award date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Fawley Parish Council

Joshua Bond

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