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PROC.01.0834 - A Strategic Digital, Data and Infrastructure Delivery Partner



Summary of work Ofwat has ambitions to modernise its data platform and is undertaking a multiple phased transformation programme called Programme Ocean. Programme Ocean seeks to replace our current in house developed database with a new data platform in Microsoft Azure. This new cloud-based Platform will function as Ofwat’s centralised repository for all regulatory datasets and will be able to ingest data from a wide variety of data types from internal and external sources. It will enable us to store, link and share data to build up and generate greater understanding and insights from our data assets. We will be able to deploy advanced analytical capabilities and transform data using sophisticated reporting methods. We have ambitions and plans to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our data modelling practices. As part of this journey, we are looking to automate processes and create repeatable data pipelines. Alongside the technical development we have ambitions to improve the management and governance of our datasets and improve our business processes. In addition to developing our new data platform, the chosen supplier will also assist us in developing best practice around active and efficient stewardship and management of our data. An internal information security handling risk assessment has been completed for this project and its assessment level is deemed to be high. The winning bidder must have suitable policies, processes and systems to be able to securely manage the information provided to them and asked to demonstrate compliance to Ofwat's information security policy. Where the supplied staff will work West Midlands Where the supplied staff will work London Where the supplied staff will work No specific location (for example they can work remotely) Why the work is being done Ofwat are seeking to appoint a collaborative strategic, digital, data and cloud infrastructure delivery partner who can supplement and support a small in-house delivery team with technical development and design capabilities to accelerate and further develop our data platform and analytical capability. The appointed supplier will bring thought leadership to help us define the deliverables, milestones and timescales across the phases of this programme and commence delivery within the agreed budget. In addition, they will help map out possible future phases. They will bring industry leading expertise and DevOps practices to help develop our lifecycle approach to data analytics through a series of stages. This is not a sole technical solution with a wish to orchestrate new DataOps pipelines, but also to enable actionable insights, machine learning and advanced statistical techniques. In addition to this, we are looking to improve data management and governance. The programme of work will follow a phased approach, ensuring value can be delivered as the Ocean Platform is built and advanced over time and as Ofwat moves away from its legacy estate. This approach ensures change is sustainable, with recruitment and upskilling of staff as the platform develops and where learnings are continuously captured and reflected. The business problem Programme Ocean is more than a technical, IT or data project. Ocean is a transformational project that supports Ofwat's strategic refresh and move to become an activist regulator. We are seeking innovation across our four key workstreams to ensure Programme Ocean is a success: (1) Systems / Technology: The architecture will be deployed in the Microsoft Azure suite in stages as our requirements grow and evolve. The design, build and technical components will be future proofed to allow further development. This will consider our data modelling needs, deploying new tools and technology to bring actionable insights. (2) Data Governance: This workstream will ensure that we have a single version of the truth. We need to ensure that we have new and improved governance mechanisms that provide consistency in how data is used and managed within Ocean. This will also look at options for our target operating model for data. (3) Business Process: We need to ensure that we have automated and clearly documented processes and data pipelines. This will ensure we consistency in how data is stored, used, and managed within Ocean. This will allow us to derive greater collective value from our datasets and generate actionable insights. (4) People: To maximise the use of Ocean, staff across Ofwat need to have the required skills and capabilities. We need to drive development pathways to ensure that we are maximising the investment and support the required cultural changes in how data is nurtured, accessed, managed, and maximised. The people who will use the product or service User type: Internal users Definition: As an internal user I need to be assured that the Ocean platform is appropriately configured and administered so that it supports my needs across the full data lifecycle and all data and regulatory functions in Ofwat. User type: External users Definition: As an external user I need to be able to validate and submit data, or other information as requested, for the economic regulation of water and wastewater in England and Wales. User type: Data Engineer Definition: As a Data Engineer (internal) I need to be able to work on a system that can handle large volumes of data, that is scalable and flexible, can be further developed in line with industry standards and where processes and procedures are clearly documented. User type: Member of the public Definition: As a member of the public, I need to be able to access datasets in an open data format that are machine readable, built to the best open data standards and with metadata provided. User type: Senior leader Definition: As a senior leader I need to be able to have confidence in the data and be supported with actionable insights to make data driven decisions. Work done so far No development work has started to replace our legacy database, Fountain. Which phase the project is in Not started Existing team The delivery partner will work with the Data Solutions, Data Engineering and IT Operations and Security teams, who have a number of permanent staff, supplemented by contractors. Engagement will also be required with internal business teams and key stakeholders to deliver this programme of work. The delivery partner will collaborate with an Ofwat Programme Ocean Lead overseeing day to day management of the programme and who acts as an internal escalation point when required. Address where the work will be done The majority of work for this programme will be undertaken remotely. Some on site work may be required by prior agreement and in line with Ofwat's flexible working policy, at our Birmingham or London offices: City Centre Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham, B5 4AU 11 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HD Working arrangements The delivery partner can operate remotely in line with our hybrid working policies. A flexible, agile approach that defines working arrangements will be agreed for each delivery phase. Some on site working may be required by prior agreement. Expenses must be agreed in advance on a case-by-case basis in line with the Ofwat Travel and Subsistence policy. Security and vetting requirements Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) Security and vetting requirements Security Check (SC) More information about the Security requirements: Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) as a minimum with possible SC clearance required depending on the role and function, which must remain valid for the duration of the contract. Latest start date 4 March 2024 Expected contract length Contract length: 2 years 0 months 0 days Optional extension: 1 years 0 months 0 days Budget Indicative maximum: £1200000 Indicative minimum: £750000 Further information: Ofwat can provide an indicative, non-committal budget of £750,000 - £1,200,000, excluding VAT. There is no commitment to minimum spend over the duration of the contract. Contracted out service or supply of resource? Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Questions and Clarifications 1. Please can you confirm the quality/price split is 80/20? The assessment weightings are: Technical competence (50%), Cultural fit (20%), Social value (10%), Price (20%). Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 2. Is there an incumbent supplier related to this project? There is no incumbent supplier Last Updated : <strong>21/12/2023</strong> 3. Does the 750 characters per answer include or exclude spaces? The 750 characters includes spaces. Please note, if you exceed the 750 character count (including spaces) in any response to a question, your application may be considered non-compliant and rejected. Last Updated : <strong>21/12/2023</strong> 4. Can you provide some clarification around staff locations. Do all staff need to be UK based or will you consider a mix of UK and other locations? UK-based only due to the high risk security assessment of this programme and sensitivity of our data. Last Updated : <strong>02/01/2024</strong> 5. The provided template has: - the first table for Essential 9 skills with a single common field to provide an answer limited to 750 characters. - the second table nice-to-have skills with 5 skills and a single field for the answer. Can you please clarify if you expect a single answer covering all essential skills and single answer covering all nice-to-have skills? or is it 750 characters answer to cover each skill, i.e. 750 characters times 9 for essentials and 750 characters times 5 for nice-to-have? Also, can you please confirm that the answer should be limited to 750 characters and not words? We do not expect a single answer covering all essential skills and single answer covering all nice-to-have skills. Each Essential skill and each Nice-to-have skill requires one answer per question. The response to each skill or experience cannot exceed 750 characters, including spaces. You may use the single field to provide answers to all corresponding items, or add additional rows to the table (for example, one row per response), if you prefer. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 6. Can you share any further information on the reporting/BI requirements - number of reports, type of reports, etc? Our current reporting capabilities are limited to Excel exports and connecting to Power BI. We have ambitions to modernise and future proof our approach. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 7. 1. Are there any incumbent suppliers OFWAT with the delivery of DDaT services 2. Please confirm the character/word count for the Essential Skills and Experience questions There is no incumbent supplier. 750 characters, including spaces, per question. Please note, if you exceed the 750 character count in any response to a question, your application may be considered non-compliant and rejected. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 8. Have Ofwat worked with any third parties to identify and scope these requirements. If so: who? Are they eligible to bid for this work? Are there any relevant materials from that exercise that can be shared to better understand Ofwat’s requirements? The requirements for Programme Ocean and its 4 key workstreams have not yet been scoped. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 9. 1. Is the 750 character limit for each of the essential and nice-to-have questions, or is the limit for all of the essential and all of the nice-to-have questions? 2. Are responses only limited to text or can visuals also be submitted? It is 750 characters per question (including spaces). You should write your response in text unless otherwise requested. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 10. In the Statement of Requirements, the expected contract length stipulated is both 2 years, 0 months, 0 days and 1 years, 0 months, 0 days. Could you please clarify what this means in relation to the budget range of £750,000 - £1,200,000? The expected contract length is 2 years, with an option to extend up to an additional 12 months (50% of the initial contract period). The budget range is an estimation of spend within the first two years. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 11. Essential Skills & Experience Q1: This is a substantial question with broad range, and will be a challenge to answer in 750 characters. Does the Authority have any options on how the response to this question is presented? Each question has a limit of 750 characters for Stage 1 of the procurement exercise. The supplier is required to provide a response to each question within the set character limit. The response to each skill or experience cannot exceed 750 characters, including spaces. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 12. Budget and contract duration: Can the Authority confirm (a) this is a 2 year contract with a 1 year extension (2+1), and (b) the noncommittal budget range applies to the 2 years only (and not the 1 year extension)? The expected contract length is 2 years, with an option to extend up to an additional 12 months (50% of the initial contract period). The budget range is an estimation of spend within the first two years. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 13. How many people and with what skill sets / job titles are in the “small delivery team” of permanent staff and contractors who will be working alongside the supplier team? How many of these will be full time for this programme? Currently we have established roles of an Ocean Programme Lead, Head of Data Strategy, Head of Data Architecture, Data Engineer and a Business Analyst. The Programme Lead and the Business Analyst will be full time with the other staff spending a significant proportion of their time on this programme. There are plans to recruit to additional permanent roles as required and as the programme develops. Expertise will be also drawn from our IT operations and Security teams as required. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 14. Can you provide some sample ideas of what data would be required for this part of Programme Ocean? Performance data and financial data from Water companies initially but we would like to develop this as our single platform to accommodate different data types. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 15. How many datasets, of what size and covering what period are in the legacy database, Fountain? Fountain contains 110 million records for 300,000 items covering the past 37 years in a single dataset. The dataset contains data for 21 regulatory agenda. It also contains 38 interrelated regulatory data models and 22,000 reports. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 16. How frequently is the data in Fountain currently updated? Do you expect this to stay the same as the data is migrated to Azure? Data is imported into Fountain at set intervals throughout the year, with changes on a daily basis as data modelling takes place. In the first instance we would expect this to stay the same but the Ocean Platform must have the capability and functionality to cater for more frequent data capture. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 17. How many external organisations will you want to have access to these data with read access and how many with write access to submit or to edit their submissions? The requirements for external access have not yet been scoped or the number of external organisations who Ofwat wish to have access. We anticipate this being a later phase in the programme. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 18. How many internal users will there be of these data? We have up to 300 staff who may access this data but different staff will interact with the data in different ways. A subset of this number will be accessing the data on a daily basis. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 19. Is the character limit per question (e.g. 750 characters for each of questions 1 through 9) or per Moscow grouping (e.g. 750 characters to cover all of the questions 1 to 9)? The character limit is per question . Each individual question has a limit of 750 characters including spaces. Last Updated : <strong>03/01/2024</strong> 20. Archival Strategy: Does Ofwat have any view on data retention (e.g. data more than 3 months/6 months should be moving from HOT Access to COLD Access zones/ data more than 1 year old should be purged etc)? We have an existing data retention policy in place, treated as a living policy that will be reviewed as this programme of work progresses. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 21. Q4 of the Essential questions lists out examples of industry infosec requirements - are these all required, or can evidence of compliance be provided with some but not all? The Supplier should provide as much evidence as possible within the character count. You do not need to have all the accreditations but Ofwat will need to see robust processes and procedures for all areas of ICT and personnel security in place. We will evaluate in line with the CSS scoring scheme of 0 - 3 per response. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 22. Will you sponsor SC if it becomes a requirement for any staff who aren't currently at that level? Ofwat will not sponsor external supplier staff for SC, that will be for the supplier to fund. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 23. Is Cyber Essentials Plus a pass/fail or is it acceptable to have Cyber Essentials with Plus in progress? All questions will be assessed against the 0 - 3 scoring scheme. It is acceptable to have Cyber Essentials Plus in progress as long as Cyber Essentials is in date. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 24. Please can you clarify the number and type of roles that will be engaged on Programme Ocean from Ofwat (either from your permanent staff or contractors)? Currently we have established permanent roles of an Ocean Programme Lead, Head of Data Strategy, Head of Data Architecture, Data Engineer and a Business Analyst. The Programme Lead and the Business Analyst will be full time with the other staff spending a significant proportion of their time on this programme. There are plans to recruit to additional permanent roles as required and as the programme develops. Expertise will be also drawn from our IT operations and Security teams as required. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 25. Please can you clarify if Programme Ocean is subject to GDS assessment / GDS aligned? This programme is not subject to a GDS assessment. We expect the winning bidder to follow the principles within the GDS Service Manual. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 26. Please can you provide examples of the types of process/outputs you expect as part of workstream 3 Business Process? We would be looking for improved business processes, these include clear QA processes, an established data catalogue, data mapping, enhanced documentation on solutions and an organisational wide approach and commitment to follow consistent embedded processes. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 27. How many data Sources Initially ? We have data sources from 16 water companies. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 28. What are those data source technologies? Data is collected and submitted in Excel. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 29. How well is the data understood by internal SMES? Policy teams have detailed understanding about the data in their area. We are seeking to develop collective insight across Ofwat teams and policy areas. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 30. How well is the current Systems/data documented. The system architecture is well documented although we recognise some gaps may exist. A fuller understanding would require engagement with the data engineering team and business teams. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 31. Are there any specific performance benchmarks or expectations that the platform should meet? We have not yet defined any performance benchmarks or expectations for the new platform. These will be developed alongside the winning supplier. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 32. What's the estimated number of users (rough order of magnitude) for each of the user areas described, i.e. internal users (300 staff listed - don't need an answer), external users, data engineers, member of the public, senior leaders, etc? Our data engineers and senior leaders are included within the 300. External Users and Members of the public do not currently have direct access, this would need to be scoped as the system is developed. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 33. What software is Fountain built in? Fountain is a Java Web Application running in Tomcat/Apache using Java/Spring/Javascript/REST. Backends are MariaDB and Elasticsearch. Last Updated : <strong>04/01/2024</strong> 34. What data does Ofwat already have in the Cloud? Our existing database, Fountain, and all its data sits within Microsoft Azure. Other data sets, less relevant to the scope of this programme, also sit within the Cloud. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 35. Is the Microsoft Azure platform already configured at Ofwat and what solution components does it already contain? In 2020, Ofwat started the migration of its workloads to the Azure public cloud.  We have a mature Azure tenant and have considered that the build out of a modern data architecture would happen at some point in the future.  This has been reflected in the scaffold pattern.  However, we appreciate that changes to this may be required to ensure Ofwat can get the most benefit from the data platform. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 36. What, if any, of the Azure solution components known to Ofwat do you consider “must have” for your objective? We would anticipate that the supplier supplements Ofwat resources to deliver this task and the target architecture for the platform. The winning bidder will lead the design and build of the new solution based on their understanding of our requirements. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 37. Our understanding is that Ofwat teams will be responsible for building the actual Ocean Azure platform, is this understanding correct? We would anticipate that the supplier supplements Ofwat resources to deliver this task and the target architecture for the platform. The winning bidder will lead the design and build of the new solution based on their understanding of our requirements. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 38. What's the quality of the data like, i.e. will it need a lot of work to clean? The data that is stored in our system is clean and verified, challenges exist around the structure and definitions of the data that would need to be reviewed ahead of any migration to a new system. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 39. How many internal/external datasets will the new platform need to ingest data from? Performance data and financial data from 16 Water companies initially but we have aims to develop this as our single platform to accommodate different data types and datasets from a range of sources. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 40. Are we correct in saying, from reading the Additional Information and Context, that Programme Ocean is one of four projects within Ofwat's overall data strategy? Ocean is one of a number of projects within the Data Strategy, we have listed the main and relevant ones but the Data Strategy contains a multitude of projects and outputs. The additional information was to provide context in terms of where Programme Ocean sits. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 41. Would it be possible for Q1 to be extended in terms of the answer's permitted length? We believe 750 characters will struggle to accommodate all the points referenced in the question. Unfortunately not. The 750 character limit per response will be sufficient for Stage 1 shortlisting. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 42. Can you give us some more information on what tech the existing database is built on and its age/maturity? Fountain is a Java Web Application running in Tomcat/Apache using Java/Spring/JavaScript/REST. Backends are MariaDB and Elasticsearch. Fountain is a bespoke system that has been developed in house over the last 15 years. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 43. Can you share indicative volume of roles you anticipate sourcing from this partner (given the indicative budget)? Please refer to page 3 of the additional information provided. We would expect the roles required to change as the programme develops. We would agree the roles with the winning supplier on a statement of work basis. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 44. Please can you clarify what you mean by Virtual machines? (e.g. docker, kubernetes, etc OR configuring virtual machines on physical hardware) "In Question 1 of the Essential Skills and Experience, we have asked for 'Evidence demonstrating strong technical proficiency in full Microsoft Azure stack, including but not limited to, managing virtual machines…' We have not predetermined the design of this solution and expect the winning supplier to lead this activity. We have no expectation that this solution will be built on physical hardware." Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 45. "For the following question (8), please can you explain what you mean by a similar contract? Is this in relation to size/scale, or blended teams? etc. "Evidence building capability, working in partnership with incumbent staff in the delivery of a similar contract (within last 2 years)" By 'similar contract' we are referring to blended teams, delivering a relevant project with staff that you provide alongside resources that we provide. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 46. For the final nice to have, please can you clarify what you mean by AI, using specific examples? At this stage we are exploring what the possibilities may be, we don’t have specific examples. We would welcome thought leadership on good/best practice and opportunities to harness AI internally within Ofwat. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 47. Which file formats are expected to be uploaded by External Users (Water Companies) on the Web Portal that needs to be developed? How are such inputs currently shared with Ofwat? Data is currently collected, shared and submitted in Excel so would need to cater for that, in the future we would need the ability to cater for a range of formats. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 48. Could you provide more details on the desired reporting capabilities for the Ocean platform? Our current reporting capabilities are limited to Excel exports and connecting to Power BI. We have ambitions to modernise and future proof our approach in line with industry standard tools and best practice. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 49. Is data uploaded by External users (Water Companies) related to their forecasted Capital Expenditure programmes? Would experience in setting up Azure environments to monitor portfolios of capital projects be beneficial to the objectives of the Programme Ocean? Ofwat receives non-financial and financial data across a wide range of metrics and indicators. For Stage 1 shortlisting, supplier responses will be evaluated against the essential and nice to have skills and experience. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 50. RE: Q3 of the “essential skills and experience”; can you please clarify what are the expectations of the “Thought Leadership” skills in this context? We are seeking strong industry skills and experience, supporting organisations to develop data transformation programmes through providing expert advice, subject knowledge and awareness of good practice across the 4 key workstreams in the specification. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 51. Can you please provide a copy of the Ofwat's information security policy mentioned in the paragraph below? "An internal information security handling risk assessment has been completed for this project and its assessment level is deemed to be high. The winning bidder must have suitable policies, processes and systems to be able to securely manage the information provided to them and asked to demonstrate compliance to Ofwat's information security policy." Ofwat's information security policy does not need to be shared for suppliers to submit their bid at Stage 1 shortlisting. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 52. Regarding: security clearance requirements; do our staff have to have existing clearance or just meet the requirements for clearance if it is deemed necessary (both for BPSS & SC)? All of the winning supplier's staff must have BPSS in place before onboarding. SC will only be necessary where the specific role requires this level of vetting. Last Updated : <strong>05/01/2024</strong> 53. Regarding Q9 of the Essentials asks to provide "Evidence demonstrating your approach to governance, assurance and escalation". Please clarify if you are referring to Contract governance/assurance/escalation or Project Delivery governance/assurance/escalation or Data Governance/Assurance/Escalation as all three could be applicable but there is a 750 character limit. We will be assessing your approach to project/programme delivery in response to this question. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 54. We understood that we have to work with a considerable set of historical data as well. Do you have a data retention policy in place or do you expect the solution vendor to define and implement such a policy We have an existing data retention policy in place Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 55. Are there any new integrations which needs to be integrated along with the data migration to the cloud? We would need further clarify on what you mean by 'new integrations'. However, if you are referring to interfacing with other corporate systems, then the answer is no. . Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 56. Do you have a data governance policy in place or Do you expect the solution vender to define & implement this policy We have an existing data governance policy in place Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 57. Does Ofwat provide SMEs for data clarifications, and if so, what would be the support model for an effective information exchange? All data clarifications are managed by in-house teams Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 58. What level of post-migration support and maintenance are expected? We expect the winning supplier to undertake knowledge transfer to internal teams and it is our intention to fully support the new platform in-house. We expect the winning supplier to be available during any post go-live hypercare period. Additional or longer term support / maintenance would be agreed on a Statement of Work basis. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 59. Do we need to consider the life cycle management of the excel files ( from Data Sources) Yes. We also want to look at alternative methods of data capture and not rely wholly on Excel. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 60. Can we get a diagram/overview of current data landscape? We will not be issuing any architectural diagrams for Stage 1 shortlisting and evaluating against the Essential and Nice-to-have skills and experience. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 61. Can we get a list of internal & external systems from where Data needs to be ingested? We do not currently have the capability to ingest data externally. This is something we would like to explore and build in to the new platform. Data is currently provided by Water Companies in Excel format, validated internally and ingested into our Fountain database via a web interface. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 62. Data Ingestion: Can we get the type of ingestion mode (like Real Time | Near Real Time | Batch based | Event Driven | Change Data capture)? Real Time and Batch based via a web interface. This is a manual process is not currently automated. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 63. Data Ingestion: Can we get the type of ingestion mode (like Real Time | Near Real Time | Batch based | Event Driven | Change Data capture)? Real Time and Batch based via a web interface. This is a manual process is not currently automated. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 64. Volumetrics: a. Can we get an overview of the number of tables that the current data platform has? b. Can we get an overview of size of data (in terms of TB/GB?) c. Can we get an overview on the number of dashboards currently coming out of the existing Database and the number of users working on these Dashboards? d. Can we get an overview of data growth (per day or per week or per month)? a. The current data platform has 80 tables b. The size of the data is 33GB c. We cannot give a precise number of dashboards and users, however, there are 22,000 reports that can feed dashboards and Excel models. 2,500 have been created or modified in the past 6 months, so these could be seen as current. d. We have added 14 million records in the past year to give a total now of 110 million. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 65. Dev-ops related: Does Ofwat have any preference on Dev-OPS tools (e.g. can be ATLASSIAN or Azure Devops)? We have experience of bott Azure DevOps and Atlassian products and will work with the most appropriate tool the winning bidder recommends. We have stated a preference for Microsoft technologies, however, if a strong reason for moving away from this can be specified then we will consider alternatives. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 66. Data Governance Management : We understand the requirements around Data Quality checks , data management , security Is Ofwat open to go with a "Best of Breed" Approach here (meaning : Lets say the entire Data platform is in Microsoft Azure but for Data Governance , we are recommending Collibra or Talend or Atlassion ?) We have experience of bott Azure DevOps and Atlassian products and will work with the most appropriate tool the winning bidder recommends. We have stated a preference for Microsoft technologies, however, if a strong reason for moving away from this can be specified then we will consider alternatives. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 67. Key users: We see that "External Users" and "Member of Public" should be able to access data in some shape and format. In this regard a. Will Ofwat provide Open Data Format standards or can the vendor bring this in? b. For External users does Ofwat want to provide an UI where external users can come in see the data /validate and submit? If so, then this part of the solution will be OLTP based (Online Transactional     Processing). a. We will explore options around Open Data with the winning supplier building on best practice and the approach across Government. b. External users cannot currently see / access /load data so this will be new functionality. Again, the detailed requirements around how this can work will need to be scoped with the winning supplier. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 68. Does Ofwat have a need of building IOT / Streaming pipeline based need for data ingestion? At this stage, we have not made any firm decisions on this and will work with the winning supplier to scope the detailed requirements. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 69. The project is executed in Resource based way, are you expecting rate card for the full implementation phase, plz clarify? Shortlisted suppliers will be required to provide a rate card for the full delivery of this contract at Stage 2 evaluation Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 70. Is there any existing quality management framework to adhere on business process, documentations and tools and technology. Or do you expect supplier to suggest on it. Some of this documentation already in place but we expect this to evolve to meet the needs of the new platform and will work with the winning supplier to that effect. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 71. Other than Specified T&M roles, is there a need for project engagement function also to engage 16 water companies for Data interface? The winning supplier will have no direct engagement with any companies outside of Ofwat Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 72. There is ask "The delivery partner will collaborate with an Ofwat Programme Ocean Lead overseeing day to day management of the programme ", This ask is supported by specified role "Programme Delivery Manager". A question has not been asked here, however, the team provided by the supplier will work alongside Ofwat staff to deliver Programme Ocean. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 73. There is another ask "chosen supplier will also assist us in developing best practices around active and efficient stewardship and management of our data." Do you have anything is mind how frequently this services shall be provided by supplier on top required T&M Resources This wording is from the "Summary of the work" section and not an additional requirement. It falls within workstreams 2,3 and 4, and sits within the indicative programme budget, not on top. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 74. On People aspects "To maximize the use of Ocean, staff across Ofwat need to have the required skills and capabilities. We need to drive development pathways to ensure that we are maximizing the investment and support the required cultural changes in how data is nurtured, accessed, managed, and maximised" Our understanding here is to Train the resources on new platform and engage all these user stakeholders or early stage like design, development, testing and deployment so that there is no surprise to use community. This is fixed price requirement or T&M resources only for specified users's pathway demonstration. All project phases will be T&M and fall within to the indicative programme budget. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 75. What specific data migration tools and strategies has Ofwat used or prefers for migrating data to the Azure platform? A data migration strategy or tool(s) have not yet been selected. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 76. What will be the time-difference in submission of response of Stage 2 after the shortlisting is done as presentation also needs to go in stage 2 submission ? Suppliers shortlisted for Stage 2 will have 10 business days (2 working weeks) to complete and submit their written proposals. There will then be a further 5 business days (minimum) before presentations. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 77. Are there any specific requirements or challenges related to the transformation of data from the legacy Fountain database to the new Azure-based Ocean platform? " We will scope the specific requirements with the winning supplier. As this programme of work has not yet commenced and we do not have a target platform built, we cannot say if there will be any challenges related to the transformation of data. We will look to the appointed supplier to help guide us in this area and propose a solution that is fit for purpose. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 78. Is there any preference for specific technologies within the Microsoft Azure stack for building the Ocean platform, beyond the general Azure services mentioned in the RFP? We have stated a preference for Microsoft technologies, however, if a strong reason for moving away from this is specified, we will consider it. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 79. Are there any specific expectations for regular status updates, progress reporting, and collaborative decision-making? We are expecting suppliers to respond to this in Question 9 under the Essential skills and experience, with an understanding and evidence of governance proportionate to a programme of this scale. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 80. How does Ofwat plan to collaborate with the chosen supplier throughout the project, especially during critical phases like design, development, and testing? Ofwat has dedicated roles for this programme. We will collaborate daily with the winning supplier throughout the entire project lifecycle. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 81. Are there existing integrations or dependencies with other systems that should be considered in the platform design? There are no other existing integrations or dependencies with other systems. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 82. Are there specific metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) that should be addressed? There are no specific KPIs that require addressing. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 83. How do you intend to hold the supplier to account for their contribution to the collaborative delivery? We will collaborate daily with the winning supplier throughout the entire project lifecycle and will track contribution through working in partnership to deliver the programme. The programme will have success criteria, benefits mapping and frequent engagement with our internal project board and sponsor. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 84. What are the anticipated growth and scalability requirements for the Ocean platform over the contract period? The size of our database increases slowly each year and it is unlikely any significant increase in scale will be required over the contract term. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 85. What pricing model will be used? Time and Materials Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 86. Are there any specific data quality standards or processes that should be implemented? We have not yet defined any data quality standards or process for Programme Ocean - these will be developed with the supplier through the programme. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 87. How does Ofwat envision implementing data governance within the Ocean platform, including data cataloguing and metadata management? We have some governance documentation already in place and we expect this to evolve to meet the needs of the new platform and will work with the winning supplier to that effect. We are not yet mature in the areas of data cataloguing and metadata management and do require support through this tender Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 88. Is there an expectation for real-time or near-real-time reporting, and what level of interactivity is required for the reports? We expect data to be readily available and easy to access. This could be real-time or near real-time reporting. We are looking to shift, where possible and where appropriate, from written papers to data visualisations. Last Updated : <strong>09/01/2024</strong> 89. Is it within Ofwat's ambition of this work for some of the data in the Ocean platform to be Open Data for the water sector? Ofwat's H2Open initiative is leading the sector to open its water data, we can imagine that Ofwat might wish to join and participate along with industry. If it does, this will influence the types of stakeholders and engagements we need to plan into our work and the specific data sharing solutions We have aspirations to make more of our datasets open and published and this would include datasets within Ocean. We would need to consider a range of factors across all the 4 key workstreams to enable this, including technology and wider market readiness. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 90. Does Ofwat plan for its new platform to integrate with data from other public bodies, such as other regulators' data platforms? This will influence the governance and data standards that will need to be adopted, such as the extent that it will be appropriate to deploy Azure cloud-native software versus making use of cloud-agnostic software. We have no definitive plans at this stage to integrate with other public bodies. It would be prudent that we considered options around interoperability though when we consider suitable architecture and design. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 91. It is stated that no development work has begun. Please can you confirm if any research has been carried out? For example, a GDS Discovery or desk research that might have been used to underpin Ocean's investment case? To deliver efficiently, we prefer to maximise reuse of research and past learnings, avoiding the cost of repeating work and stakeholder fatigue. No specific development work has been done, but we have some research and reflections from previous data projects that we would share with the winning supplier. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 92. Will suppliers be able to have visibility of data within the current database from Day-1 of delivery? It is necessary to understand the characteristics of the data. If direct access is not possible, is it possible to be able to work with people who can describe the characteristics of the data within Ocean? Once the necessary security checks have been completed the supplier will have visibility of the data. If there are any delays, Ofwat staff will be able to describe the characteristics of the data in detail Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 93. Essential Q9, is the question asking in terms of internally for the supplier to manage escalations and governance, or is it project governance, or information security governance? This question relates to project governance that's proportionate to a programme of this scale. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 94. The opportunity documentation and TQ responses refer to the supplier “leading the design and build” of the solution alongside your team. Please can you provide an indication of the roles and key accountabilities that you expect to be delivered by your team/the supplier? Please refer to page 3 of the additional information provided. We would expect the roles required to change as the programme develops. We would agree the roles with the winning supplier on a statement of work basis. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 95. Please can you highlight any strengths or weaknesses in your team to help us understand how we can best add value to the delivery? This is a very broad question that does not need to be answered for Stage 1 shortlisting and it is wholly dependent on what skills, capabilities and experience the winning supplier brings. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 96. Please confirm what, if any, personal data (to include any sensitive data) may be involved in this engagement. If no handling of personal data is envisaged, please confirm. There will be sensitive data in that much of the information that we hold is market sensitive. There will be limited personal data, which is restricted to Ofwat staff names and email addresses. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 97. Can you please confirm that the wording in any Statement of Work entered into will be agreed between the Buyer and Supplier post award. Yes. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 98. Can you please confirm that you will be securing all licences for the Microsoft Azure platform for the Supplier to use. Yes. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 99. Does Ofwat intend to build up internal capability to be able to operate and extend a new platform that replaces the current database? It would be useful to understand where on the spectrum Ofwat might intend to be e.g. 1) be fully self sufficient 2) prefer to rely on suppliers, but have sufficient knowledge to own and guide development of the service 3) be undecided on these matters yet We expect the winning supplier to undertake knowledge transfer to internal teams and it is our intention to fully support the new platform in-house. We expect the winning supplier to be available during any post go-live hyper care period. Additional or longer term support / maintenance would be agreed on a Statement of Work basis. Further clarity would be provided on Ofwat's ability to support in house through the life of this project. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 100. an you please approximately characterise the data in the database at a high level e.g. 1) Volume 2) Number of different data sets 3) are there any datasets that update in Realtime/near real time, or is data mainly batch updates We are looking for an approximate view on how difficult/easy the data is to work with, so that we can shape a a team appropriately Fountain contains 110 million records for 300,000 items covering the past 37 years in a single dataset. The dataset contains data for 21 regulatory agenda. It also contains 38 interrelated regulatory data models and 22,000 reports. Currently datasets are not real-time or near real-time reporting and are batch updates at fixed times in the year but we have ambitions to enable near real time reporting during this programme. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 101. Does Ofwat have experience of using Agile methodologies? Ofwat asks suppliers to outline experience of using Agile. We need to understand are we working with an organisation that is expert in Agile or needs coaching/mentoring (or is somewhere in between), in order to shape our team correctly. Ofwat has experience and has delivered recent projects using an Agile Methodology, whilst not understood across the organisation, key personal within the project team have experience of working under an Agile methodology framework. Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong> 102. For the contract start date, please can you confirm if there is a particular reason for this start date being required? We wish to commence delivery of this programme this financial year as this is a key organisation wide priority for us. We would require the winning supplier to be ready for onboarding by the start date as advertised on the opportunity details page Last Updated : <strong>10/01/2024</strong>


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