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Invitation to Tender for the provision of Painting & Decorating Framework



The specification in ITT Document B outlines The Contractor's requirements in relation to the supply of Painting and Decorating Works. The Contractor aims to re-establish a framework of approximately three contractors for minor painting works. The Contractor does not guarantee volumes of work offered through the framework as the minor painting works are responsive but it is envisaged that the works could be estimated at £10k per year. The framework will be let as a two year framework with the option of two extensions of up to twelve months each. The framework call offs may be by further competition, rotation of suppliers or direct call off (following an assessment of capacity to deliver, capability for certain jobs etc.) Additional information: The Authority is using the In-tend e-tendering portal to conduct the procurement process ('the e-Tendering Portal'). The e-Tendering Portal can be accessed. all communications (including submission of Tenders) should be carried out via the e-Tendering Portal. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Bolsover District Council

Lyndsey Cooper

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