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Scrub clearance Goss Moor NNR Cornwall





37,500 GBP


Natural England are seeking a suitable and qualified contractor that can demonstrate that they have worked on SSSI and SAC sites, to remove approximately 10.7ha (gross) of light to medium scrub within Goss Moor NNR within 3 separate priority areas 1- 3. Scrub clearance can be achieved by either or a mixture of mechanical means (grubbing out and/or tree snips) and/or manual clearance. Scrub removed will be burnt in-situ. There will also be a requirement of chemical stump treatment on stums greater than 2inches in diameter. Works to commence early November 2024 and to be completed by end of Dec 2024. Additional scrub within the same areas may be added depending on the success of the original clearance area, particular interest of the deadline achieved would be greatly approved to add additional clearance areas. The need of the proposed contract is to remove approximately 10.7ha gross of light to medium scrub including semi mature trees, namely willow, that is encroaching onto important and priority wetland habitats. The chosen methodologies of clearance works would be mechanically and/or manually or a mixture of both. Bidders can bid for 1, 2 or all 3 priority areas. Additional information: To apply for this opportunity you must submit your quotation meeting the requirements detailed in the Request for Quotation (RFQ) attached. Your response must be sent to by 12 midday on the 18th October 2024. It is strongly advised that bidders visit the working site location, Natural England will favour such bidders that attend a site visit. If you have any clarification questions linked to this opportunity or the procurement process please submit these via email to by the 11th October 2024. Please note that, unless commercially sensitive, both the question and the response will be circulated to all tenderers.


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Natural England

Ian Moye

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