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Delivery of Official Controls in Approved Establishments in England & Wales



Eville and Jones, Eville and Jones, Eville and Jones, Hallmark Meat Hygiene Ltd, LS15 8ZB, Eville and Jones, Eville and Jones, Hallmark Meat Hygiene Ltd, Eville and Jones


250,100,000 GBP


This contract is for the provision of a managed service for contract Official Veterinarians (cOV) and contract Official Auxiliaries (cOA) to undertake the delivery of Official Controls in accordance with assimilated EU and UK law in Third Party Premises (Food Business Operator Premises) which are approved by FSA. These are meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting Premises and approved game handling establishments) which are owned and operated by a Food Business Operator. On occasion, attendance at premises under local authority control and Dairy Establishments may be required. Lot 1: 2.a. Lot 1 Estimated value of Lot 1 was £31 to £53 million over the term of the Contract. Additional information: Estimated value of Lot 1 was £31 to £53 million over the term of the Contract. <br/><br/>Tenders were evaluated on a lot by lot basis subject to the selection criteria set out in the Qualification Envelope and the award criteria and minimum requirements set out in the Evaluation Document. There were restrictions on the number of lots that can be awarded to a Tenderer subject to certain exceptions as set out in the Contract Notice Wording Document. Lot 2: 2.b. Lot 2 Estimated value of Lot 2 was £11 to £18 million over the term of the Contract. Lot 3: 2.c. Lot 3 Estimated value of Lot 3 was £14 to £23 million over the term of the Contract. Please note these are estimated values and FSA expect tenderers to calculate their bids based on the cost of delivering the service. The estimated range covers from the 5 year initial term to the 7 year total term, to include the optional 2 year extension, and are rounded to the nearest million. Lot 4: 2.d. Lot 4 Estimated value of Lot 4 was £18 to £31 million over the term of the Contract. Lot 5: 2.e. Lot 5 Estimated value of Lot 5 was £12 to £20 million over the term of the Contract. Lot 6: 2.f. Lot 6 Estimated value of Lot 6 was £21 to £35 million over the term of the Contract. Lot 7: 2.g. Lot 7 Estimated value of Lot 7 was £36 to £61 million over the term of the Contract. Lot 8: 2.h. Lot 8 Estimated value of Lot 8 was £17 to £29 million over the term of the Contract. Lot 9: 2.i. Lot 9 Estimated value of Lot 9 was £20 to £33 million over the term of the Contract.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Food Standards Agency

FSA Commercial

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