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Local Plan Viability Assessment



60,000 GBP


The existing Local plan was subject to viability testing through the Liverpool Local Plan Viability Assessment, which was published in October 2018 to support the Pre Submission draft version of the plan. A new assessment is now required to support the preparation of the new Local Plan. The assessment will determine the viability of emerging policies, policy options and site allocations in the plan and make recommendations in respect of any required changes or mitigation to ensure that the Plan, its policies, and allocations are deliverable over the lifespan of the plan taking into account of current and future market conditions. Recent evidence work for the new local plan has produced recommendations for policy options and these will need to be tested to help inform the new Local Plan. New evidence which has been commissioned and is anticipated to provide policy recommendations include: • Strategic Housing Market Needs Assessment • Employment Land and Premises Study • City Centre Strategy • Town Centre Uses Study • Open Spaces Study At present the Council is awaiting final reports from these commissions but they are anticipated to be completed during the timeframe of the viability assessment project. The Council will provide any relevant policy recommendations resulting from these projects which are likely to impact upon development viability so that they can be considered in this assessment. Keywords: local plan


Publish date

4 months ago

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2 months ago

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Liverpool City Council

Joseph Lynam

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