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18 069 (New) DPS for the Provision of Care, Support & Accommodation for Adults & Young People (16+), With Complex Learning Disabilities, Physical Disabilities & Mental Health Needs



IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS DPS PROJECT (DN438601) REPLACES THE PREVIOUS DPS PROJECT (DN359767), IF YOUR ORGANIZATION HAS BEEN AWARDED A PLACE ONTO THE PREVIOUS DPS, THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO MAKE A SUBMISSION TO THIS DPS AS THE CONTRACT AWARDED PREVIOUSLY UNDER DN359767 IS STILL VALID. IF YOU WISH TO RESUBMIT AS THE SAME ORGANIZATION, CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DISREGARD YOUR SUBMISSION. PROVIDERS WISHING TO APPLY TO JOIN THE DPS MUST BE ABLE TO PROVIDE CARE PACKAGES WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF CHESHIRE EAST. Cheshire East Council is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the future procurement of care and support services for individuals eligible for Adult and Children’s social care support, including those individuals in transition to adulthood (16+) who have a learning disability, physical disability and/or mental health needs. The DPS will also support the key priorities of the Transforming Care Programme which is underpinned by the principles set out in ‘Building the Right Support’ a national plan to develop community services and reduce the number of inpatient facilities for people with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges - including those with a mental health condition. The service model includes all people of all ages and those with autism (including Asperger syndrome) who do not also have a learning disability (as well as those who have both a learning disability and autism), and includes those people with a learning disability and/or autism whose behaviour can lead to contact with the criminal justice system. Keywords: Physical Disabilities, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Complex Needs, Mental Health Needs, Challenging Behaviour


Publish date

2 years ago

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in 5 months

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Cheshire East Council

Li Davies

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